Stage 2
Connect with the required land subscriber
Exchange 'Answer Backs' with the land subscriber
Send your message
Exchange Answer Backs
Close the call
- Receive call duration (for charging purposes) from LES
- Close the satellite circuit
Question: I read in one publication that I should finish my Inmarsat-
B telex calls with five 'commas' ("",) - and in another publication to
use five points ( ..... ). Both seem to work. Which is correct?
Answer: Five commas ("",) will disconnect the land-line link between
the LES and the office you're connected to (to be used when you've
sent all messages to that office) - but will keep the satellite link (from-
ship to-LES) open (so you can call another office using 'Stage 2' above).
Five points ( ..... ) will close the satellite link altogether (to be used
when you have no more messages to send).
Inmarsat-C Messaging Services
When you use Inmarsat-A and Inmarsat-B telephone, fax and telex
services (and Inmarsat-M and Mini-M telephone/fax services) - you get
a direct connection between the vessel and the telephone, fax or telex
number called. When you send Internet e-mail messages, those messages
are collected by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and forwarded to
the address you provide in the message (i.e. using 'store-and-forward'
messaging - you do not normally get a direct connection with the person
Inmarsat-C messages, from-ship and to-ship, are always 'store-and-
forward' - you never get a direct, one-to-one connection with the message
addressee or sender. You can use your Inmarsat-C terminal to send text
messages only (no pictures; no voice connection). Messages can be sent
- A telex number ashore.
- A fax number ashore.
- An Internet e-mail address.
Another mobile (Inmarsat-A, Inmarsat-B, Inmarsat-M or Mini-M -
provided they accept e-mail messages).
In the to-ship direction, messages can be received from:
- An Internet e-mail address.