Rotman Management – April 2019

(Elliott) #1 / 111



In a recent presentation you said: “I live in a world that
wasn’t built for me.” What you did you mean by that?
Basically, the world we live in — and most of the products
and technology that we use — are built with a specific user
in mind: The able-bodied individual. When I’m traveling or
navigating physical environments, I am constantly encoun-
tering barriers because city planners or designers didn’t
prioritize the inclusivity of these spaces for everyone. For
example, I’ve seen elevators that are not designed to accom-
modate a wheelchair user because they’re either so tiny that
I can’t even fit in or the buttons are so high that I can’t reach
them. I always think, ‘How did someone believe that this
was the right way to design this?’

How do you plan to make accessibility a forethought
rather than an afterthought?
I see our app, AccessNow, as a vehicle to not only generate
conversations but to also lead to real impact and change.
Rather than creating an awareness campaign that would

A leader in the realm of
accessibility discusses

progress on making
cities—and the world—

accessible to all.

Interview by Victoria Heath

QUESTIONS FOR Maayan Ziv, Founder, Tech Entrepreneur and Activist
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