Rotman Management – April 2019

(Elliott) #1
The Age of Emergent Change
by Beth Comstock
Futurists predict that we will
experience 20,000 years of progress
in the course of the 21st century.
Are you ready for it?

The Seeds of Change
by Jackie Vanderbrug
and Kathleen McLaughlin
Two leading corporations — Walmart
and Bank of America — are among
those taking decisive steps towards
eradicating gender inequality.


Using Behavioural Science
to Improve Decisions
by M. Hallsworth, M. Egan,
J. Rutter and J. McCrae
When leaders learn how to mitigate
common biases, behavioural
insights can shape strategic decision
making for the better.

The Future of AI: Proceed
With Caution
Interview by Karen Christensen
NYU professor Amy Webb
warns that Silicon Valley
might be building AI without
inclusive human values.

How AI Will Affect Business:
What Leaders Need to Know
by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans
and Avi Goldfarb
Artificial intelligence will have
varied implications for the economy,
but leaders should focus on three
key areas.

The Origins of the Gender Gap
by Ran Duchin, Mike Simutin
and Denis Sosyura
A leader’s family background
and early educational experiences
have a profound effect on their
later decision-making across
a variety of contexts.

Changing Behaviour for Good
by Angela Duckworth and
Katherine Milkman
Habits are automatic, effortless
and repeated. And they may be
the most promising avenue for
making behaviour change stick.

Re-Framing Innovation:
Integrating Behavioural
Science and Design
by Sarah Reid and Ruth Schmidt
Behavioural science is unusually,
if not uniquely, qualified to shine
a light on designing for the future.

The Fearless Organization
Interview by Karen Christensen
Havard’s Amy Edmondson argues
that in every organization,
countless moments of silence lead
to lost opportunities and errors.
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