Ulster Tatler – June 2019

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Transform Your Life

20 Windyhill Road, Newtown Limavady
http://www.samconleyfitness.com T: 07841 103288 | E: [email protected]

After a lifetime of obesity I had actually given up any
hope of ever tackling my weight issue. I have all too
vivid memories of school yard bullying and name
calling that continued into my teens. Setting that
aside, I beat myself up plenty too, which led to binge
and secret eating, escalating in my 20’s. I’d starve
for as long as possible every day but eventually give
in and the onslaught would begin. I could polish off
3-4000 Kcals of junk food in a 30 minute drive home
from work with ease and it wouldn’t end there!
I was almost 40 when I had a trigger moment one
Saturday afternoon. I’d been sent to buy a suit and
the reality hit me like a sledge hammer! I was 21 stone
and I had a 44 inch waist and I was miserable. It took
me asking for a 38” waist and realising I couldn’t get it
past my knees to finally wake up.
I joined the gym that Monday and in 5 months had
lost 5 stone. I quickly realised that nutrition was the
key. More important than anything to me now I started
to study. I soaked up every Nutrition and Sports
Nutrition qualification I could and in the process took
my body to a whole new place. I lost 7 stone and
made that 44” waist a 32”.
I had so many people contacting me for help that I
felt compelled to start helping others do the same and
took a massive leap of faith opening my own Private
Transformation Gym in Limavady. I was very quickly
fully booked with a long waiting list and decided to
add Online Coaching to my services. It exploded!
I now get to help clients all over the world whether
they have many stones to lose like me or just want
to feel fit, healthy and comfortable in their clothes.
My results are well known. I’m as passionate a coach
as they come for the simple reason that I’ve been
there myself, I know how it feels and I understand my
clients’ struggles.
My 6-week Online Coaching Programme has seen hundreds of clients carry on working
with me to drop stones, up to seven stones in fact. I work 1-2-1 online on a totally private,
confidential basis with my clients, building a customised approach to their nutrition that
works around their lifestyle, exercise and social life. There’s no perfect day, week or
month to change your body, so the approach has to be flexible enough to fit every day
life! However I still place a strong emphasis on accountability and my clients love my no-
nonsense approach (they don’t always admit it, but I know they do!)
In the last few years my life has transformed in the most amazing way. I sometimes can’t
believe how far I’ve come so quickly. I’ve been on stage competing on four occasions,
picking up a couple of titles along the way. I married the girl of my dreams who now
coaches alongside me in my gym. Most important of all I’ve found happiness, true
happiness! My days of crying myself to sleep over my weight are finally over and each
and every day I get to help others fix themselves too.
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