Ulster Tatler – June 2019

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UT Health

For a Free Consultation to discuss your options call:
Niamh - 028 9033 2190
Tracey - 028 4483 0486
[email protected]

For better Private Homecare
How We Care:

Jennifer Dunseath from Solution Hypnotherapy NI tells us about her
hypnotherapy sessions.
”Most people don’t expect a lesson on how the brain works
when they first come to my clinic. But the response I usually get is
‘that makes so much sense, that is exactly how I have been feeling/
behaving’; a client will look visibly relieved that there is a rational
explanation and, more importantly, that there is a way to change
Clinical Hypnotherapy can help with anxiety, anger, sleep issues,
confidence, phobias, in fact it can help with most things, the
important element is you want to make the change.”

T: 07775 871119



Cosmetech’s Consultant Surgeons specialise in the removal of
cosmetic moles and skin tags. In the vast majority of cases all of these
lesions are benign. But if there is any clinical concern about the nature
of the lesion it can be sent off for testing.

Q: How are skin lesions removed?
“In most cases these can be done under a local anaesthetic. If there
are no concerns about its nature they can be either shaved off, or
excised. Some skin lesions can also be treated by freezing the skin

  • termed cryotherapy. All options are discussed with the patient

Q: Does it hurt having these removed?
“Since these are treated under local anaesthetic it shouldn’t! The
worse bit is having the injection of anaethetic, which many patients
describe as a mild stinging sensation. Cryotherapy does not even
need an anesthetic.”

Q: How long does the procedure take?
“This depends on what’s being done, but most procedures take
between 15 and 30 minutes or so.”

Q: Can I drive home afterwards?
“That depends on you! If you are the sort of person who can drive
home after a filling at the dentist then there should be no reason why
not. But if you are a bit squeamish, best to bring someone with you.
They can at least tell you how brave you were, even if they don’t need
to drive!”

Q: What about aftercare?
“If stitches have been necessary these are generally removed after 5 –
7 days. For best results a combination of steristrips and scar massage
are required and which you need to do will be discussed.”

Q: Will I have a scar?
“Scarring is an inevitable consequence of surgery in anyone’s hands,
so yes. But of course the whole point is to be cosmetic and so
everything is designed to minimise this. It’s best to consider this as
replacing one cosmetic blemish with another one, which should be
much better. But it is unrealistic to expect an invisible scar no matter
who your specialist is.”

For further information or to book a complimentary consultation
please call Cosmetech on 028 90423200
or visit http://www.cosmetech.co.uk



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