HWM Singapore – June 2019

(lily) #1

audio quality might be poor, but I
can enjoy the music’s essence. Of
course I can  nd new recordings
with better quality technically,
but sound quality is secondary
to the performance.
I’m also listening not as a listener,
but a player, so I look out for
more subtle expressions. So, I can
understand how High Resolution
Audio can be a good way to
express music.

How does Sony decide what to do
next for the Signature series?
 Sato: For players, our motivation

came from requirements of our
customers. We had the portable
WM1Z Walkman player, and the
larger DMP-Z1 Music player last
year. These are two very different
types of product. For DMP-Z1, our
requirement was huge power output
for headphones, and this actually
came from our WM1Z customers
especially in the U.S. Now we have
two good concepts for the market,
so we want to get customers
feedback for these products to see
what to work on next.
 Nageno: Basically, we try any
kind of direction. *laughs* We’ll

make this product, then if there’s
a possibility for another type of
product, we’ll try it too. That’s just
the primary stage of development,
but there’re many projects inside.
And then, if we get a new device
or big improvement, then we’ll go
ahead to the next stage. So we don’t
limit ourselves to just one direction.
Mostly  nding another direction,
not just following one direction is
important to creating a new sound.
Now, I am 61 years old and half
retired, but younger engineers
are coming up and maybe they
have the next idea.

JUNE 2019 | HWM 43
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