HWM Singapore – June 2019

(lily) #1



Devil May Cry�has
been one of Capcom’s
most acclaimed franchises
since the  rst game
released in 2001, and it
doesn’t look like this train
is stopping anytime soon.
But, before we jump
into the action, it’s good
to have an idea of who
you’ll be playing.�Devil
May Cry 5�has�three Devil
Hunters, each with
diff erent  ghting styles.
V,�is your typical “broody
and mysterious” kind of
guy. Nero�is the  rst Devil
Hunter you meet and the
main protagonist of�DMC5,
and then there’s Dante.
Need I say more? He’s
the�OG Devil Hunter and
all-around stylish badass.
In typical�DMC-style, the
world is already on the
brink of destruction when
you boot up the game.
Demonic forces have
launched a massive assault
on Red Grave City. You’re
put in Nero’s shoes, making
your way up a demonic tree
called the Qliphoth to join
Dante in his  ght against
the invading demon king,
Urizen. Unfortunately, all
Nero  nds when he gets
there are his allies utterly
Fast forward a month
later, the Qliphoth has

Devil May Cry 5
By Kenneth Ang (GameAxis)

The 3 musketeers of

devil hunঞ ng

thoroughly infested
Red Grave, turning all
the civilians into lifeless
black husks. Acting on
V’s instructions, the Devil
May Cry agency takes on
the task of dealing with
the overgrown demonic
houseplant and thwarting
the mastermind behind it.
Well, that’s the basic
premise of the game. Now,
let’s move on to the real
star of the show, and the
franchise’s style-centric
roots: combat. It shouldn’t
come as a surprise but
 ghts in�Devil May Cry 5�

are nothing short of
excellent, and one of the
main contributors to that
is actually the game’s
audio design.
There’s nothing more
 tting for a hot-blooded,
demon-killing rampage
than heavy rock music
blaring in the background.
Don’t ask me how, but the
soundtrack just makes the
crunch of a large sword
against demon hide that
much more satisfying.
Furthermore, the
weapons themselves are
part of that formula too.

The sound of Nero’s Blue
Rose revolver is one of
the most satisfying to ever
grace my ears; I could
literally feel the “oomph” in
the bullets, and that’s just
one part of Nero’s kit! As far
as I’m concerned, the audio
in�Devil May Cry 5�de nitely
gets a good grade.
If there’s one thing
that the Devil May Cry
series has been good at,
it’s implementing variety.
Playing the game doesn’t
feel as linear as some might
perceive it to be. Between
the three playable Devil

76 HWM | JUNE 2019

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