HWM Singapore – June 2019

(lily) #1

already kind-of seen the
A-Force in action for a
couple minutes, when all
the MCU women came
together to  ght Thanos.

    Not only is a Black Widow
    movie set to start  lming in
    June, but Scarlett Johansson
    is expected to reprise her
    role as Natasha Romanoff/
    Black Widow. The only
    kink in this plan is that her
    character died in Endgame, a

living trade for the
Soul Stone. This movie
can either be a prequel set
in Black Widow’s dark,
shadowy past or it could
bring her back to the
present somehow.
Either way, it sounds
interesting. Black Widow has
always been someone with
more darkness than light in
her past, so exploring that
might shed some light on
a character that could use
some  eshing out.

    I’m very excited to see what
    the future holds for the
    Guardians, especially now
    that they have a certain
    Asgardian on the team. Star
    Lord was last seen looking
    for Gamora’s past self, who
    went missing after the huge
    battle at the fallen Avengers
    compound. We can only
    assume the team will go
    after her next, this time with

the god of lightning in tow.
The Asgardians of
the Galaxy have some
basis in the comic,
being a team of gods and
monsters, but it can’t have
just one Asgardian. Can we
assume a certain trickster
god might make
a re-appearance?

    Outside of con rmed
    character movies, Disney’s
    upcoming streaming
    service Disney+ already
    has a slate of MCU shows
    in the pipeline.
    First up, Loki, with Tom
    Hiddleston will be reprising
    the role. Then there’s
    WandaVision, led by the
    powerful duo of Scarlet
    Witch and Vision. The only
    thing is that both Loki and
    Vision were killed off in
    In nity War. Just like the
    Black Widow movie, there
    are three ways this can pan
    out: ressurection, alternate
    Earth/timeline, or prequel.
    Except in Vision’s case,
    there is no prequel since the
    character was only created
    during Age of Ultron.
    There’s also the
    upcoming The Falcon and
    The Winter Soldier series,
    but at this point it might as
    well be renamed ‘Captain
    America and The Winter
    Soldier’. There’s a lot of
    potential here, providing
    our  rst taste of what a Sam
    Wilson Captain America is
    going to be like. Sam and
    Bucky have never been the
    best of pals, so it’ll be fun to
    see them getting along.

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JUNE 2019 | HWM 83
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