HWM Singapore – June 2019

(lily) #1

 There are over 40
types of data spanning
across the whole Google
ecosystem you can
download and archive
using Takeout.
The obvious ones
include things such as
as your bookmarks,
contacts, photos, and
mail. But you can also
pull out and save the
more obscure information
that you've accumulated

over the years, such as
your responses in Google
research studies, images
you've uploaded to
Street View, and even
saved links from Search
and Maps.
Even if you didn't
really want to backup your
data, a Takeout archive
would be a great place
to see just how much
personalized data Google
has on you.

 The great thing about
Takeout is that you can
select what data to
include in the archive.
Download everything
Google has on you or just
records of your activity
data - it's your choice.
You can also customize
the archive format, such as
the  le type (.zip or .tgz).
By default, Google caps the
archive size to 2GB so any
archive larger than this size

will be spilt into multiple
 les. The max an archive
 le can go is 50GB.
Last but not least,
you can choose how you
want to receive the archive.
You can either have Google
send you a download link
for an of ine backup, or
dump the archive to a
cloud storage service,
such as Google Drive,
Dropbox, OneDrive, or
Box. Easy peasy!

You can choose what data you want
to include in a Takeout archive.

You can also instruct Takeout to export
every two months for a year.


JUNE 2019 | HWM 85
Free download pdf