Cruising Guide to the Kingdom of Tonga in the Vavau Island Group

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Cave. The western shore is generally steep therefore be careful
on the southern end and do not go between Nuapapu and Vaka'eitu as
the reef there is continuous between the two islands and it is
difficult to see at high water with the sun in the E. especially
during early morning.
Mariner's Cave is an underwater cave requiring good
snorkeling skills, however it is not too difficult for the
competent swimmer. The following interesting article, written by
Mrs. Patricia Farquhar-Matheson who has lived in the Vava'u group
for over thirty years, first appeared in Pacific Islands Monthly
in August, 1975.

Twenty six years ago, when I first came to Tonga, I had already
read of Mariner's, the famous Vava'u Cave that can be reached only by
diving. Naturally, I decided I must see it. I had heard the
often-told tale of the young Tongan chief who, having fallen in love
with a beautiful maiden of a family who was due for extermination in
the civic broils of the time, • spirited her away from danger and hid her
for two weeks in the cave.
There he brought food and protestations of love to sllstain the
girl until he was able to prepare an expedition to Fij 1. Then he
picked her up en route, married her, and when the time of trouble had
passed, brought her back to Vava' u and lived happily ever after. riy

  • determination to get into the cave was strengthened by the romantic

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