Cruising Guide to the Kingdom of Tonga in the Vavau Island Group

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

reef lies to the S.E. of the charted reef. Keep close to LangitRu
or Ovaka to avoid this hazard.


When anchored at #16 take the dinghy over to the reef
connecting Nuapapu and Vaka'Eitu which appears on the chart as the
two fathom area on the outside of the reef. Beach the dinghy, put
out the dinghy anchorand then cross the reef to the outside,
either by walking or swimming over it, depending on the tide.
Please take care as it can be dangerous if the incoming ocean
swells are high. Most of the time it is safe to snorkel in this
area. In bright sunlight one will find this to be one of the most
colorful reefs ever seen. Ginny Cary. on her first visit to the
islands. after snorkeling this area said "Any reef I look at after
this one will appear to be dead to me!"
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