Cruising Guide to the Kingdom of Tonga in the Vavau Island Group

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

  1. FUA'AMOTU is a day anchorage in good weather but anchor carp.

  2. LUA UI is a small island, one and a half miles southwe~t of
    'Euakafa and is surrounded by coral for about fifty yards
    offshore. There :lre isolated cor~l head~ in the shallow l".·f1ter.
    This is a good lunch and diving spot with the hest anchorage on
    the west side.
    "Lua" is a Tongan word meaning underwater reef or shallows,
    so when you sail about the Luas, be warned. Lua Ui means "the
    calling reef" and Lua Ui Vaha, "the reef calling over the sea."
    Lua Hiapo is named for the paper mulberry tree, the bark of which
    Tongans make tapa. Lua Fuleheu is named for an attractive small
    bird, the honeysucker, which is often found there.

  3. LUA UI VAHA is a small island W. to S.W. of Fua'amotu and two
    miles south of 'Euakafa. The island is surrounded by cora~
    some isolated heads one hundred yards offshore and it is a good
    daytime anchorage for diving.

  4. LUAHIAPU is a day anchorage in good weather and is one of the
    easier to use. Anchor as indicated inside the 'HOOK' of coral to
    the west of the island on the sandy patch there. Access to the
    island by dinghy is then quite easy.

  5. LUAA FULEHEU is a difficult day anchorage in good weather. Please
    note that none of the small southern islands are in any way
    suitable as overnight anchorages. Caution and care should always

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