
(Barry) #1

Although dynamic erfects are not explicitly included i.n the above criteria, the design margin>~ are
considered cOllservative and may alJow for some dynamics. At terminals where dynamic effects from
pass"ing ships, wave actioD, etc. are significant, shore-based mooring equipment may have to be
deployed to supplement the ship's equipment.



Environmental loads induced by wind and curre nt can be computed with the procedures described
in Reference 3 which are al.so listed in this ee tion for ease of reference. The forces and moments
generated are suitable for a computer analy. is of the required mooring restraint. Tbe foHowing
non-dimensional coefficients are used in tbe calculation of design loads:

C. - longitudin al force coefficient
C, - lateral force coefficient
C" - yaw momenl coefficient

Additional subscripts wand c are used to distinguish between wind and current.

The sign convention. and coordinate system adopted are illustrated in Fig. 2. I. Force and moment
coefficients are a function of wind and current angle of attack. The wind and current coefficient
are based upon data obta ined from model tests.

Instead of a latera.l force coefficieot and a ~'aw moment coefficiem, some sources quote a late ral
force coefficient at the forward perpendicuJar (CYF) and a lateral force coefficient at the aft per-
pendicular (CyA). T his is generally more convenient for hand calculations , but either convention ca n
be converted to lhc other with the following equations:

(a) From total force/yaw moment system to forces at perpendicular syStem:

eYA = t c , -C,y

(b) From forces at perpendicular system to total force/yaw moment system:

The wind forces/momenl acting on a moored ship are calculated using the following equations:

Longitudinal F"" ==. c,~ ( 7600 p", ) , V;,AT (I)
wind force

Lateral wind F yw c"..,( ~) V~.Al (2)

Wind yaw moment M.., .... = C w ( ~ ) Vl Al Lsp
7600 -


The current forces/moment acting on a moored ship are calculated using the equations:

Longi t udinal
current force

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