
(Barry) #1

40 tonnes (392 kN) MBL would require 315mm diameter bollards and one with mooring lines of
92 tonnes (902 kN) or more MBL would require 500mm diameter bollards.

3.7 Requirements for Barge Mooring

In many cases barges can be moored with fillings provided for other mooring requirements. None-
theless, some VLCCs and ULCC lack suitable fillings for mooring a fuel oil barge alongside t.he
midshjps manifold or the aft. fuel oil manifold. In this case it is recommended thal a set of closed
chocks and bollards be provided, port and slarboa rd, about 35 metres forward and aft of the mani-
fold and, where appropriate, the aft bunkering sta tion.

3.8 Requirements for Canal Transit

SpeciaJ fittings may be required for transit through canaJs. The be.st known requirements are th ose
for the Panama Canal w.here ships are pulled in and out of locks by shoreside locomotives having
their own mooring lines mounted on winches. Ships suitable for tr ansit through Ihe Panama Canal
shOUld comply with the del;liJcd rcgulalions contained in the I,S. Central - ederal Register (CFR).
Title 35, Chapter L, Part 4. Some reference to fitt ings required by Panama C'I.nal Regulations can
also be found in Section 8,



Ship-ro-ship transfer requires th e mooring alongside offshore of two differellt size ships for che
purpose of cargo transfer. The mooring arrangcmenl'S adopted will depend upon the sizes of the
ships carrying OUI the operations and tbe difference between their sizes. As a general guideline,
Fig. 3.12, taken from Reference 4, illustrates a recommended and proven mooring arrangement for
a transfer operation in offshore waters. A prime consideration in mooring during STS operations
is 10 provide fairleads for all lines without the possibility of chafing against each other, the ships
or Ihe fenders. Thi is criric.aI i.n view of the large relative freeboard changes between the ships,
illustrated in Fig. 3. 13.



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