Dave Gerr - Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook-How to Design, Install, and Recognize Proper Systems in Boats

(Rick Simeone) #1


All hydrofoils—rudders are really hydro-
foils, not simply “boards”—are more efficient
if they are long and narrow rather than short
and squat. It’s important to be able to
describe this feature clearly, as well. It is
measured as aspect ratio, as shown in the
following formula.

Formula 10-1. Aspect Ratio

Span= vertical height of rudder blade,
ft. or m
Area= area of rudder blade, sq. ft. or m^2

(NOTE: This is sometimes referred to as
the geometric aspect ratio, since the so-
called mirroring effect of the hull above the
rudder roughly doubles the effective aspect
ratioin many cases. For our purposes, we’ll
stick with aspect ratio as simple geometric
aspect ratio.)
The higher the aspect ratio, the deeper
and narrower the rudder. To quickly estimate
the area of the rudder, just measure its chord
(fore-and-aft length) at midspan (height) and
multiply by the span at midchord (the aver-
age height).
If our boat’s rudder has an area of
1 .9 square feet (0.176 m^2 ) and an average
height or span of 2.1 feet (0.64 m), its aspect
ratio is 2.32 to 1, or simply 2. 32. The calcula-
tion looks like this: 2 .1 ft.× 2 .1 ft. ÷ 1 .9 sq. ft.
= 2. 32 :1, or 0.64 m× 0 .64 m ÷ 0 .176 m^2 = 2. 32 : 1.
This is a good, deep, narrow rudder for a
powerboat. An aspect ratio higher than 2.4 or
so gives a still more efficient rudder blade but
adds excessive bending strain on the rudder
stock. Such rather high-aspect ratios should
generally be avoided on powerboats.

Sailboat-Rudder Aspect
Aspect ratios on sailboats are somewhat
greater than the preceding. An aspect ratio
somewhere between 2.2 and 3. 5 is normal,
tending to be higher for spade rudders on fin-
keel boats. Very high-aspect rudders are
becoming common on fin-keel performance
sailboats with high-aspect fin keels. Such
craft often have rudders with aspect ratios
between 3.5 and 4. 5. Even higher aspect
rudders are found on some all-out race boats.
Generally, I don’t recommend aspect ratios
over 4.5 as best practice; the bending
loads on the deep rudder’s stock are much
higher, and improvement in rudder response
becomes increasingly less as the aspect ratio
gets very high.

Rudder and Hull Work
In turning, a boat pivots roughly around
its combined center of gravity and the center
of water pressure on the hull forward.

Aspect Ratio



Figure 10-1.
Rudder plan

Formula 10-1.

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