Dave Gerr - Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook-How to Design, Install, and Recognize Proper Systems in Boats

(Rick Simeone) #1
Real-World Problem with
Too Much Balance
An interesting example of a real problem cre-
ated by too much balance is presented in
Figure 10-5. This boat came into the service
yard for repairs to the running gear after
grounding, and the yard noted the sizable trim
tab bolted to the rudder, as you can see in the
photo. They asked the owner if the tab had
been bent or straight, and the owner thought
it had been straight. Repaired and relaunched,
the boat steered so strongly to port that it was
unmanageable. They hauled the boat again,
and with a bit of experimentation the trim tab
was bent 10 degrees to port. Then the steering
was fine. The original construction yard or
designer—not the service yard—had built in
the problem and then had corrected for it by
adding the tab and bending it over.
Looking at the photo, you can see the
reason: there’s too much balance (about
25 percent). A portion of the slipstream from
the prop was catching the leading edge of the
rudder in such a way that it swung the blade
to port, which caused the boat to turn to port.
Bending the tab to port counteracted the
turning effect on the rudder, forcing the blade
to starboard (back to center or “neutral”). In
theory, you could also correct this effect by
fairing away the leading edge, by grinding
down the starboard side of the rudder at the
leading edge, or by slightly bending the lead-
ing edge to starboard. In any case, you can
see both why it’s important not to have too
much balance, and how you might correct
the problem if you’re faced with it. (Inciden-
tally, there’s also too much shaft overhang
between the propeller and the stern bearing,
and the propeller nut zinc is too large, which

can cause turbulence. Also, the rudder has no
shaft-pulling hole, so the entire rudder and
probably the skeg below it would have to be
unshipped to remove the propeller shaft.)

Sizing Up the Rudder

The big question regarding rudders is how
large they should be. The smaller the rudder,
the less drag it creates and the faster you can
go. Further, smaller rudders require less
steering force and are easier to manage. If the
rudder is too small, however, you’ll end up
with insufficient steering control. Somehow,
a happy medium has to be found.
The basic rule-of-thumb rudder area
formulas are as follows:

Average Planing Boat Rudder Area= 0. 018 ×
waterline length× draft (hull only)
Displacement Boat Rudder Area= 0 .03 to
0. 04 × waterline length× draft
(including keel)
Deep Narrow Fin-Keel Sailboats= 0. 045 ×
waterline length× draft (including keel)
Moderate (Modern Long Keel) Sailboats=
0. 058 × waterline length× draft
(including keel)
Traditional Full Long Keel Sailboats= 0. 068
× waterline length× draft (including keel)


The rule of thumb for planing hulls is
that the total rudder area (all rudders)
should be 2 percent of lateral plane. For
displacement motor cruisers, the rule
of thumb is between 3 and 4 percent
of lateral plane.
These rules of thumb should be used for
initial estimates and as a check. For
the most accurate results, use the
formulas below.

Displacement and
Powerboat Rudder-Area
For displacement and semidisplacement
powerboats, the following formula is useful
for determining rudder area.


Figure 10-5.
Overbalanced rud-
der (Courtesy

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