PROJECT Dovetail key puzzle
40 The Woodworker & Good Woodworking August 2019
side of the walnut. Check against the key (photo
12 ) that it is accurately cut. Use a sliding bevel and
a knife to mark lines at the same angle as those
marked on the end of the key in the previous
stage (photo 13). Now you have the parameters
set, the curve can be shaped. Take the template
used to shape the underside of the key and use
this to check the profile of the curve on the walnut
(photo 14). The easiest way to achieve this is to
use a file and remove a little at a time from each
end and to keep checking against the template.
Trimming the key
The maple key needs to be finally shaped. It’s
a little tricky to explain but use either a sharp
chisel or a finely set spokeshave to remove the
wood from the lines marked on top of the maple
down to the lower edges of the key. The bevel
flows around and the angle varies due to the
curvature on the underside but it all makes sense
once you actually start cutting (photo 15). I found
it much easier to work the bevel if the key was
clamped in a vice between a couple of softeners.
Finally smooth the bevel, if necessary, with a little
abrasive paper taped to a flat strip of timber but
don’t get carried away. Just smooth to the lines
on top of the key and to the lower edge of the key.
Continuing with the housing
With the key completed it’s time to under-cut
the corresponding bevel on the housing. There’s
no short cut; it’s just a case of paring away with
a chisel (photo 16) and taking great care that the
chisel does not cut into the top curve. It should
12 Checking against the end of the key
13 Use a sliding bevel to set the same angle as that
at the end of the key
6 Ensure to cut the profile quickly and accurately
9 Use this same template to mark the top
of the key
7 Secure the two templates to the walnut and cut
the recess with a rebate cutter
10 Marking out the dovetail key
8 The MDF should be a firm sliding fit into the walnut
11 Use a marking gauge to set the depth of the key