BlueWater Boats & Sportsfishing – July 2019

(Nandana) #1

Newslines 15

Badweatherandlimitedopportunitiessawveryfewfishcaughtin April.However,Maywasanentirely
differentstory,withperiodsof settledweatherandgreatcatchesof swordfishforthose willingtoputin
thetime.Duringa weekof betterweatherin mid-May,thegroundsoffLakesEntrancesawmorethan 40
boatsoutfishingeachday,withupto fiveswordfishcaught.
Local Lakes Entrance boat Home Strait had the most consistent start this season, capturing seven
swordfish from 50 to190kg. As part of a research initiative byDr Sean Traceyand the Universityof
Tasmania,oneof theirfishwassentonitswaywitha satellitetag.Estimatedat 90kg,thiswasthefirst
swordfish ever released with a satellite tag in Victorian waters.
Further to the east, swordfish charter captain Richard Abela enjoyed great success off Mallacoota aboard
Dream Catcher II. James Evans scored big with his first swordfish, which weighed in at a whopping 252kg
and is now a pending Australian record on 60kg line class.
Richard’s clients came from as far as France and the UK for the chance to sample this world-class fishery.
On a visit from Papua New Guinea, Ian Middleton fulfilled a dream on his first day out, catching his first
swordfish of 131kg on 21 May. However, that was only the beginning as he backed it up the following
day with an enormous sword conservatively estimated at 270kg. This fish was released sporting Victoria’s
second satellite tag.
Victorian game fishing has definitely stamped its mark on the Australian and world stage in recent years,
and one can only ponder on what is to come.

Victoria’s late, great swordfish season

Above left: James Evans with
his first swordfish, caught aboard
Dream Catcher II. Weighing a
whopping 252kg, it is now a
pending Australian record on
60kg line class.
Above: Travelling PNG angler
Ian Middleton fulfilled a dream
when he landed his first
swordfish on his first day fishing
with Richard Abela aboard Dream
Catcher II. This one weighed
131kg, and on his second day
out he caught another, estimated
at 270kg, which was released
with a satellite tag.
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