Combat Aircraft – August 2019

(Michael S) #1
The US military has been assisting the Customs and Border Patrol
as part of a beefed-up effort to keep illegal immigrants at bay, in
one of the most controversial concerns in American politics right
now. Combat Aircraft learns about how rotary-wing support has
made a huge difference on many levels.



EW ISSUES IN American politics
are as contentious as illegal
immigration, speci cally
along the United States’
southern border with Mexico.
Though the overall number of
immigrants illegally annually entering
the US from the south had dropped
considerably since peaking in 2006,
recent surges of economic migrants and
asylum-seekers from Central America

have caused that number to tick up
again for the  rst time in a decade.
President Donald Trump, who
campaigned as an anti-immigration
hardliner, has made border security a
central issue of his administration. Since
taking o ce in January 2017, several of
Trump’s border initiatives have met sti
resistance in Congress and in Federal
courts — symptomatic of just how divisive
the issue is. Despite these setbacks to his

border agenda, the president can point
to at least one successful program he
initiated to respond to the issue.

Operation ‘Guardian Support’
In April 2018, Trump authorized the
activation of US National Guard units to
deploy to America’s southern border to
assist the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).
Dubbed Operation ‘Guardian Support’
(OGS), the deployment of guardsmen to
the border o cially began on April 9, 2018
and continues today, with soldiers and
airmen from the US Army and Air National
Guard in numerous states being sent

58 August 2019 //^

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