Jaguar Magazine – July 2019

(Axel Boer) #1

GO TO http://www.JAGqld.ORG.AU

fORmOReinfORmATiOn - ORJOinOn-line



JOinThe JAGUARdRiveRs ClUbOfqUeenslAnd

Participaing with your Jaguar or
Daimler is better than on your own!

Old Jaguars or sparkling new,
join in for weekends away, local
drives, vehicle advice, concessional
registration. Show your car and see
other beauties. Barbecues, sporting
and social activities. Club cars and
parts for sale.

JOinnOw - GeTA fRee ClUbshiRT!

My thanks to Jaguar Magazine for

finding new buyers for our Jaguars

and other british cars.

wilf chaMbers

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