Practical Boat Owner – August 2019

(ff) #1




In advance of a Biscay
crossing in my yacht,
what are the best options to
install for communications?
Dave Conlan
by email

The answer depends on what
level of communication you’re
looking for, but either way,
satellite communication is the
way to go.
If you’re looking for full
internet usability to run a
business from, we’re talking a
big dome antenna, big bucks
to buy and install and big
running costs to go with it. But
if you’re looking for just phone
and email contact (which is
what most people want), then
an Iridium satellite phone is
probably the best answer.
With Iridium you can’t really
access the Internet, it isn’t

that goes with it.
There are some cheaper
systems that use the Iridium
satellites that you can just text
from, but they are very limited.
Then of course there is SSB
(Single Side Band HF Radio).
These are quite bulky by
comparison, need much more
in the way of installation and
you’d have to sit an HF
Operators Exam.
SSB’s big attraction is the
ability to talk ‘ship to ship’ at no
cost and as such is generally
fitted by people doing the ARC
rally for that very reason. You
can add a modem to an SSB
to enable a text/email facility,
but compared to Iridium it is
slow and cumbersome.

antenna on the pushpit. This
then has the benefit that you
can use it below (because the
antenna is outside), but in an
emergency you could take it
with you to the liferaft, plus of
course you could use it on
shore or from someone
else’s boat.
There is also a new product
on the market (Iridium Go
Marine Kit/Bundle/Package)
that allows you to wifi connect
your mobile phone to the
Iridium device which in turn
can be connected to an
external antenna. This is a very
cost effective solution as your
phone is the controller, so
you’re not purchasing
handsets and the rest of the kit

fast enough and sending
photos or pictures via email
isn’t really viable either, but
phone is excellent and ordinary
emails (text) is also good and
coverage is worldwide.
Mailasail offer end users a
compression service to reduce
running costs, plus other
services designed to make
Iridium easier to use.
Iridium phones can be
purchased as a fixed set (a bit
like your VHF) or as a
handheld: the latter is the
cheaper. However, a handheld
cannot generally be used
below decks as the signal just
isn’t strong enough.
The best solution is a
handheld with an external

The Iridium Go system costs around £1,100/£1,200

Iridium Go satellite wifi bundle

Here’s just a selection of the latest questions from
PBO readers. Email or write to the address on
page 5 and our experts will answer your queries

Got a question? Email [email protected]

Ask the experts


THE PBO EXPERTS To ask a question email [email protected] and include your address. Pictures are helpful

Stuart Carruthers
is the RYA Cruising
Manager and has
sailed extensively

Ian Brown of the
OneSails loft group
is an expert on sails

Duncan Kent
tests yachts and
equipment and
writes for the
marine media

Mike Coates worked
in the spar and
rigging business for
many years

Stu Davies has
a background in
engineering in the
coal and oil field

Colin Brown runs
a marine survey and
consultancy company,
CB Marine Services

Keith Colwell is
author of the
RYA Sea Survival

Gareth Ross is
Sika UK’s Marine
Market Field
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