Practical Boat Owner – August 2019

(ff) #1


Readers’ cruising destinations, near and far

Cruising Notes

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John Simpson recalls a unique Hebridean

adventure to a ‘secret’ loch

John Simpson recalls a unique Hebridean


weather uncovers

a secret loch


eading north up the chain of the
Outer Hebrides on our Jeanneau
Sunfast 37, Somerled, during one
August cruise, we were experiencing
strong Force 5-7 north-westerly winds.
These were set to continue and made
us all realise that although a visit to St
Kilda was possible, it would simply
amount to a rough offshore passage
with then no possibility of landing with
the dinghy to visit. In other words, a
completely pointless exercise.
Continuing past the Sound of Harris
after leaving Loch Maddy in North Uist
keeping to the east in the lee of the land,
we were lucky as a crew to have a real
West Coast expert on board. Jennifer King
knew the area very well from cruising here
for many years with her late husband,
Lloyd King.
Suddenly she had a brainwave,
mentioning an interesting place called
Loch Scadabay (Scadabhagh), which she
thought would make a perfect lunch break
from our windy and coldish trip. Jennifer

described the entrance as pretty
narrow then widening out, rather like
a keyhole and it was located not far
from Tarbert – the narrow land
bridge that joins the southern part of
Harris to the main, northern section.
As we came into shelter just before the
entrance, both jib and then mainsail were
dropped. The wind was funnelling down
through the tiny narrows, so using the iron
topsail was the safer option. Once inside

we found perfect
shelter as the
channel widened out.
Unfortunately, though, we ran aground
in soft mud at the top! After a quick scan
of the tide tables we calculated it was
almost low water.


Sound of Harris


Loch Maddy



nautical miles

0 5





Looking back at the
entrance to the loch from
the shelter inside
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