World War II – October 2019

(Axel Boer) #1



One became the first victory

of the war by an American

ground commander. The other

was far more personal


he call came into U.S. I Corps headquarters in the Australian city of Rock-
hampton on a sleepy Sunday afternoon. It was late November 1942 and
General Douglas MacArthur, Allied supreme commander for the Southwest
Pacific Area (SWPA), needed the corps commander to stave off a debacle.
Newly promoted to lieutenant general, Robert L. Eichelberger, 56, had
spent his entire life preparing for this sort of summons. The son of a pros-
perous Urbana, Ohio, lawyer who had pitted his children—especially the
four boys—against one another in competition, Robert grew up thin-skinned,
overly sensitive to criticism and personal slights. He was also an average, if not
uninterested, student. But following an appointment to West Point, he found in

OCTOBER 2019 39

By John C. McManus

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