Windsurf – August 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1


106 AUGUST 2019


ake sailor Jack, keen as mustard to give waves a go, stands before
the thumping shorebreak of Llandudno holding his 140 litre freeride
board with a 45 cm fin and 6.5 freeride rig. Conditions are 25 knots
of wind and blowing bolt onshore. A friend told him the only way
to master waves is to get out there and give it a lash. But in this incidence, his
only option is to fail, and the experience of failing will be so destructive that it
will just leave him poorer rather than wiser.
Wave sailing is absolutely learned through experimentation and getting the
odd drilling – but they must be happy drillings. That means starting from a
position where some level of success is likely, or just possible – which in turn
involves research and preparation - and maybe a clinic. No, I’m not here to
promote my wave clinics because that would be tacky, although understanda-
ble. However, on such a clinic my main job is initially not to deliver an endless
stream of technique babble but to manufacture the right environment.
As we arrive at the chosen shore, I want to be able to say: “This spot, in
these conditions, is fine for your level; and this is the board and rig combo that
will yield the best results.” And then given that the most common reaction to
the challenge is, “I’m not sure what I should be doing.” I will add: “these are

the moves and sailing lines most suited to this strength and direction of wind
and the nature and size of the wave. The stage is set - now go forth and rip.” It
is then that the experimentation can begin with confidence and a bit of focus.
And then just as important is the post mortem and the correction phase.
“The reason you ended up downwind/missed a few waves/didn’t catch many
waves/kept outrunning them - is because you were lacking skills x, y and z –
lets retire to a sheltered spot and practice them.” In the absence of a know-it-
all benefactor, here are some fundamental pointers that might help you make
sense of it all.

The situation, (it’s not a problem, it’s just what it is) is that most people get into
waves via freeriding. Having learned to waterstart and plane in the straps, they
lose some litres and launch from a windy beach. It needs to be windy because
it’s the local onshore wind that generates the waves. For the first timer, it’s ideal
because it’s relatively safe and gets them used to the bumpy environment. But
... the tool they’re relying on most is the hammer. In this case the hammer is a
powered up rig. Power is both useful and a distraction - useful to burst through


Words Peter Hart // Photos Hart Photography





Peter Hart has been leading courses into swells for a

few decades. Backed by comments and reflections from

clients who’ve taken on the challenge, he describes the

true nature of the game. Here’s a clue – it’s not all about

the wind but about preparation and revisiting the most

basic skills.
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