Motor Boat & Yachting – August 2019

(Wang) #1



Petrol-engined high-performance fun

Jetsurf boards are summed up neatly by their
nomenclature – they’re surf boards with jet
drives! Powered by tiny petrol engines, these
things are quick – the top-end Race Titanium
model has a fuel injected 100hp engine that will
catapult it straight to its maximum speed of
65km/h (35 knots) in just 2.8 seconds! Other
models are available, including the (mildly) less
powerful Sport through to the Adventure Dfi
that will run for up to an hour at a time. All are a
similar size at just under 2m long
and weigh up to 20kg, so they’re
reasonably easy to store and
manhandle. The latest version is
an electric powered board that
allows you to switch between
ECO mode for longer distances
or BOOST for even higher
performance. You can buy extra
batteries, so the fun doesn’t stop
when the battery goes fl at.
PRICE: From €10,188

It’s taken a little while to get to grips with
all the goodies tucked inside the
CleanToGleam Marine Product Bag simply
because there are so many. But now all
(except the RIB cleaner as I don’t have a
RIB) have been tried, it’s time to report on
how they fared.
The bag: A sturdy zip bag with individual
compartments for each of the bottles.
Looks good and keeps everything
together, safe and secure. It also makes
for a great boat owner’s birthday or
Christmas present.
Boat wash: The big news with the
boat wash is that it is biodegradable
and eco friendly, which given that the
entire contents of the bottle will end up in
the water around your boat is good news.
It lathers up well and lasts, covering an
entire eight-metre boat with a single
bucket. Ultimately it doesn’t have quite
the ‘bite’ of the Autoglym Shampoo
Conditioner that I used to use, it doesn’t
cut through rain streaks as effectively, for
example. But I suspect the need to work it
a little harder is the price you pay for not
pouring non-degradable chemicals into
the environment.

Interior Cleaner: Works well and smells
very pleasant (minty!)
Deodoriser: The idea is that you spray this
into the air, but I found it left a residue on
surfaces it landed on which needed a quick

wipe over. Smells like
toothpaste. Given that my
boat interior is clean, dry and
doesn’t smell, I found this
didn’t offer much benefi t.
Glass cleaner: Ideal for
a quick wipe down of the
windows and left a streak-
free fi nish.
Sponges: Three grades,
although they all look and
feel the same. They’re not
your usual car wash-type
sponges, they’re small hard
blocks very similar to Magic Erasers. The most
impressive use of these was on the non-slip
surface on my side decks and cockpit fl oor

  • a grid of tiny squares that trap dirt. The
    Cleantogleam sponge is hands-down the most
    effective I’ve ever used and brought them up
    spectacularly well. It did completely destroy
    the sponge in the process, but its death was
    certainly not in vain.
    Microfi bre cloths: Brilliant. Big, soft, fl uffy and
    effective. They wash well too. Best cloths I own.
    Boat polish: Goes on easily. Takes a bit of
    effort to remove, but the results are good.
    Hard Paste Wax: Smells divine! Needs to go
    on after the polish and leaves a great fi nish.
    PRICE FROM £125


Jetsurf: does what it says
on the tin – if you have
the talent to master it!

A go-to goody bag
for those who value
a pristine vessel
Free download pdf