Motor Boat & Yachting – August 2019

(Wang) #1

You’ll see a rich variety of seabirds, including shearwaters,
ospreys and cormorants. Ashore there are walking trails through
the steep sloping woods that enfold the bay, where you’ll
experience superb panoramic views.

(^5) CALA PI
Despite being popular, I’ve included this beautiful south coast
inlet because it’s defi nitely worth visiting if you haven’t been in
before. It is thought to be the oldest settlement in Mallorca and
the steep cliffs have naturally restricted development. A short
distance away is Capocorb Vell, probably the most important
archaeological site on the island. It’s best to avoid weekends, but
Cala Pi is a gem mid-week or out of season. A 16th century stone
tower on the south-east headland is conspicuous as you approach.
The turquoise water is crystal clear, ideal for snorkelling or
just for peering over the side to watch the teeming shoals darting
about. You can anchor within 100m of the old fi shermen’s huts
on the west shore, though no fi shing goes on now. Most
Mallorcan calas had small fi shing fl otillas and it’s a shame they
were driven away by tourism.
A short walk from the beach there are a few cafés and
restaurants if you fancy venturing ashore, but really the joy
of this place is to swing gently to your own anchor and soak
up the sun. There is a tangible sense of history about Cala Pi,
a frisson which appeals to me when anchoring overnight.
This memorable inlet lies on the south-west corner of Mallorca,
just north of Cabo de la Mola. Although there are apartments
galore and a marina, I love anchoring here and absorbing its
memories. This is one of Mallorca’s most appealing inlets, with
pine slopes each side and a coastal plain lifting inland towards
the old town of Andratx and a line of craggy peaks. The
expensive villas overlooking the port seem denser each year, yet
the grandeur of the bay miraculously transcends the relentless
background of cement mixers, and the place has a kind of Riviera
chic. The marina has berths up to 25m but is usually pretty full.
Visitors lie stern-to a quay near the hoist.
Sharing an entrance with tiny Cala Beltran,
Cala Pi is a perfect natural harbour with high
cliffs and a white sand beach
The craggy skyline
and bustling glamour
of Puerto Andratx

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