More of Our Canada – July 2019

(sharon) #1

‘Will Swim for Food’

Having raised $4,000 and 165 kilos of food last year

for his local food bank, this teenager has even bigger

plans for summer 2019 by Ryan Hann, Orangeville, Ont.


y name is Ryan and
I am a 13-year-old
competitive swimmer
with the Orangeville Otters
Swim Club. I train 13 hours
a week over the course of six
days, and take part in weekend
competitions from September
to June. In the summer of 2018,
during my break from swim-
ming, I created a campaign
called “Will Swim for Food.” I
swam 200 laps a day for a week,
a total of 35 kilometres, to raise
money and food for the Oran-
geville Food Bank. I was really
fortunate to have had a couple
of experiences that inspired me
to help my community.
In Grade 6, my teacher Mr.
Aldaine Hunt at The Maples
Academy gave our class a
project where we had to create a
fundraiser for a local charity.
The project was pretty intense
as we had to include marketing,
expenses and all the details

involved in organizing a fund-
raiser. I learned so much and
really enjoyed working on
this project.
In December 2017, my family
volunteered with the St. Vin-
cent de Paul Society and helped
sort Christmas hampers for
families that needed assistance
putting together a Christmas
dinner. It really made me aware
that people in my own commu-
nity need help, something I had
never thought about before.
These two experiences made
me want to do something to help
my community. It made sense to
me to contact our local food
bank because I eat a lot of food
with the amount of training
I do every week. It’s sad to think
that people go without food.
Some kids might not even have
enough food to do their best in
school, let alone do something
like swimming. This is when I
decided to use my passion for

swimming to help the Oran-
geville Food Bank. I picked
August for my swim week,
as that’s when I am off for
the summer from both school
and swimming, but it is also
a really slow time for the food
bank to get donations. Christ-
mas and Thanksgiving are the
most popular times of the year
for donations, but people need
food all year long.
My original goal was to
raise $500 and 100 food items.
Within three hours of an-
nouncing my campaign, I had
raised $530. I was over-
whelmed with the support
I received from my very
generous community. In the

Ryan will be joined at this year’s
fundraiser by his Orangeville
Otters Swim Club team members.
Right: Ryan is all smiles, doing
what he loves best—swimming
and helping others.



16 More of Our Canada JULY 2019
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