More of Our Canada – July 2019

(sharon) #1


aterton Lakes National Park
is where the Prairies of
southern Alberta abruptly
meet the Rocky Mountains.
With its abundant wildflowers and wild-
life, Waterton is one of my, and my partner
Brian’s, favourite destinations to hike.
On a clear, crisp morning in late June,
our selected hike of the day was to Bertha
Lake along a multi-use trail shared by
equestrians and hikers. It ’s a moderate
day-hike up to a picturesque lake nestled
in between Mount Richards
and Mount Alderson,
with rushing

sweeping views of the Waterton townsite.
Our hiking style is not a quest for the
summit—a four-hour hike will usually take
us eight hours. We prefer a meditative walk
among the trees, where we commune with
nature, take in the crisp mountain air and
appreciate all the small—or large—surpris-
es that nature has in store for us.
After climbing a particularly steep
grade, about one hour into the hike, I was
already splayed out on the ground taking a
macro photo of a wildflower. Next to me sat
an older couple catching their breath on a
well-placed bench, when movement down
the trail caught our attention. At first
glance, I assumed the dark figure coming
up the trail was a horse; it soon came out of
the shadows and what materialized was a
bull moose!
The hiking trail was extremely narrow in
this section, with a steep drop in elevation
to the left of the moose and a rock wall on
the bench side. The moose couldn’t turn
around; he would have to back down the
trail to make an escape. Not knowing what
the terrain would be like on the trail ahead,
we collectively made the decision to scale
the rock wall, above the bench.
During all the commotion, the moose
stood there calmly and appeared to be
waiting for us to move. Then, he made his
intentions clear by lowering his head and
lifting his front hooves, in a piaffe-like mo-
tion (a stationary dressage movement that
horses make). In a panic, Brian and I as-
sisted the older couple up the wall. After

Appreciating an unexpected natural encounter

by Holly Howat, Saskatoon


on a Mission

22 More of Our Canada JULY 2019

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