More of Our Canada – July 2019

(sharon) #1
even further and have added
kimono styles to the mix,
some of which also have
hand-dyed denim designs on
them. Our kimonos come in a
range of styles and fabrics,
and are so very easy to wear
and care for.
Our most recent adventure
found us being invited to The
Secret Room Events in hon-
our of the Golden Globe
Awards. The amount of work
involved in getting ready for
this incredible opportunity was huge, and
two weeks into my studio time on the
project, I broke my foot.
I had a choice to make, let it get me
down and affect my work or push through
and look at it as a challenge to produce my
best work ever.
So that is exactly what I did. Some of
the pieces created have well over 100
hours of work in them, some even more.
And, for sure, each piece has a part of my
heart and soul in it.
We went to L.A. and spent a week with
the stars during the Golden Globe festivi-
ties. It was a great time. The response to
our creations was outstanding. We ended
up having some of our products displayed
on the Red Carpet at the Golden Globes,
and we also had products that made the
Red Carpet at the Academy Awards.

When I create, I give everything I have
and this can sometimes be challenging;
however, when the piece is finally put on
by the person it was intended for...well,
pure joy at the results usually ensues.
I love it when someone tries on one of
our kimonos or denim pieces, and it
brings them to life, with a confident gleam
in their eye. That’s exactly what my team
and I strive for—to empower people to put
their best selves on display through what
they wear and how they wear it.
We are doing our utmost to conduct all
areas of our business in an ethical and re-
sponsible way. These choices mean it may
take a little longer to get to where we want
our business to go, but it’s the best way to
keep moving forward. n

Find out more at

Above: A cozy
blue kimono.
Right: A funky
denim jacket.
Photos by Pete

40 More of Our Canada JULY 2019

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