More of Our Canada – July 2019

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STANDING TALL “Every summer,
we spend a week in beautiful British
Columbia visiting friends,” writes Rhonda
Prince of Blackfalds, Alta. “They have a
cabin on Mabel Lake, and on this trip, the
weather was gorgeous every day. We
spent the week surfing, paddleboarding
and just hanging out on the lake. One
evening, I went for a paddle and my
husband, Tyler, captured this picture of
me. The lake was so calm and peaceful
and the colours were amazing. Definitely
the highlight of our trip.”

RISKY BUSINESS “I snapped this
pic of my son Chris at Mountain Portage
Rapids during the annual Slave River
Paddlefest,” says Patti-Kay Hamilton of
Fort Smith, N.W.T. “Every summer, on
the long weekend in August, whitewater
paddlers from around the world, along
with our homegrown paddlers, gather
to celebrate this event. Chris has loved
paddling since he was two years old.
Like the other water babies from our
town, he is like a seal in the water.”

46 More of Our Canada JULY 2019

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