More of Our Canada – July 2019

(sharon) #1

AIDANTen-year-old Aidan
was listening to his grandparents
and parents discussing the pope:
“What’s a pope?” he asked.
His other grandmother
explained that a pope was the
head of the church, sort of
like his dad was the head of
their household.
“Oh, no,” Aidan replied.
“In our house, Mom’s the pope.”

ELLIOTTIn the car one day,
six-year-old Elliott commented,
“Gramps, you are the sun
and Nana, you are the moon.”
Our son Earl retorted,
“What about me, Elliott?”

Elliott promptly replied,
“Uncle Earl, you are a
shooting star.”

KIAHFour-year-old Kiah
had this conversation with
her father,
“Daddy, I’m going to marry
you because I like you.”
“Well, Kiah, I’m already
“Then I’ll marry Mommy.”

“But Mommy is married to me.
You’ll have to find someone else.
What about at school?”
“I’ll marry Dylan, then he can
be my pet.”

EVANWhile running on a trail
one day, teenaged Evan came
upon a fawn sprawled out on the
“It looked dead. Then it blinked.
Suddenly, the mama deer ap-
peared and began barking at me.
I thought I’d better keep jogging.
A little way along, I heard a rus-
tling behind me. The fawn came
bounding along beside me, as if it
was a game and I was his sibling.
Then he turned and went back
to his mother. The experience
gave me goosebumps.”

ALISSAWhile attending high
school, Alissa complained about
a presentation she had to give
on a social issue, but didn’t have
a topic. I suggested euthanasia.
“That’s not a Canadian issue,”
she replied.
“Oh, yes, it is a big issue in the
news right now,” I answered.
Alissa rolled her eyes and said:
“l can’t see what Youth in Asia
has to do with Canada.”

SAMARA & ASHAA conversa-
tion overheard between our two
seven-year-old granddaughters,
Samara: “Santa gives you
Christmas presents, and God
gives you birthday presents.”
Asha: “Yeah, and if you don’t
meditate, God will think you
don’t believe in her.”

SORRELFrom his letter to
Santa as a five-year-old. He be-
gan: “I’m Sorrel. Sometimes I’ve
been good.” He ended his letter:
“Thank you, Santa. I will try
not to say cuss words.” n

From left (back row): Elliott, Asha,
Kiah, Alissa, Evan and (front row)
Samara, Aidan, Sorrel.

Penny Heneke of Burlington,
Ont., has collected memorable
quotes from her eight grandkids
over the years. Here are a few:

62 More of Our Canada JULY 2019

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