More of Our Canada – July 2019

(sharon) #1


had been taking photos for almost
an hour before I decided to look at
them on the monitor on the back
of my camera. Oh no! They were
all blurry! The rodeo action was
too fast and I would have to increase the
shutter speed to get crisp photos. I was at
the Williams Lake stampede and the ac-
tion was fast and furious. Cowboys and
cowgirls galloping in, lassoing calves,
hanging on to bucking broncos and trying

not to get bucked off onto the unforgiving
dirt. I loved every minute of it.
Actually, my love affair with B.C.’s
cowboy country, centred on Williams
Lake, had started years before. My dad, a
quiet, even-tempered Englishman, used
to get together with his buddies every fall
and head off to a ranch close to Lone
Butte, B.C., where they’d clamber aboard
sway-backed ponies, load their rifles and
go hunting for moose. To my knowledge

Photographer Mike Lane of

Saanichton, B.C., gives us a glimpse

into the exciting world of his home

province’s cowboy culture



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