Trade-A-Boat – August 2019

(Sean Pound) #1





Simrad ’s new RS40-B AIS-equipped VHF radio is the neatest little bit
of kit we’ve come accross in some time


he latest bit of kit from Simrad
Yachting has popped up on the
Trade-a-Boat radar and it’s certainly
caught out attention.
Simrad’s new RS40-B is the first VHF
radio that can also send and receive Automatic
Identification System (AIS) transmissions, thanks
to built in GPS and Class B AIS transceiver.
AIS sends out information relating to
identification, position, course and speed to
similarly equipped vessels, where it will be
displayed in on a dedicated screen, or can be
overlaid onto compatible chart and radar devices.

The growing use of AIS has made the water
a safer place. Not only does it play a key role
in collision avoidance, it also helps rescue
organisations to locate stricken craft.
This technology was more-or-less exclusive
to large commercial operations until the
introduction of Class B specifications in 2006,
which aimed to make it more accessible to light
commercial and recreational vessels. Since that
time the cost and complexity associated with AIS
has been reduced and it’s become more and more
accessible through integration into multifunction
screens however not marine radios.

The primary difference between the RS40-B
and their previous RS40 device, and other similar
consumer products in the market, is the ability to
transmit, as well as receive. It’s never been easier
for the average boatie to see and be seen.
AIS technology will, without a doubt, only
become more accessible as the years pass by and
Simrad’s latest release marks a watershed moment
in this development. Ultimately, the increased
availability of AIS will lead to safer boating and
that’s something that we can get behind.
The RS40-B is available now through Simrad
retailers with an RRP of $1335.

TOP The simple, no-fuss design makes operation easy and intuative
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