Contents 10.
just built a Doom 3 gaming PC with two 36GB
Western Digital Raptor drives set up in a RAID 0
array. Seven days ago, I would have sworn up and
down that because of RAID, the level load times for id
Software’s latest version of Doom were signifi cantly
faster than they were on a single-drive system of
similar confi guration. In fact, when I entered the very
fi rst level in the game, I found myself thinking, Man,
it’s amazing how big a difference a RAID array makes.
It turns out that I, like many, many other gamers
and PC manufacturers, was wrong. Level load times
in Doom 3 —along with scores of other modern PC
games—are no faster with RAID than with a single
drive. In fact, in some cases, level load times are
actually slower with RAID than with a single drive!
The way we discovered this shocking revelation
is a shining example of the rapidity with which
information travels and cultivates change in mod-
ern times. It’s also an industry-wide testament to
the scientific method Maximum PC has espoused
since its inception.
We ship Maximum PC to the printer in sections;
each day we submit a new chunk of pages to our
production department, and from there it goes on
to the printer. On the second day of shipping pages,
Associate Editor Josh Norem literally stumbled upon
an Internet story on a hardware site that detailed a
finding in direct contrast to our long-held belief that
RAID 0 provides faster read times, and therefore
faster level loading times. If you’re a hardcore PC
user, it’s quite likely you hold this belief yourself.
Norem and Senior Editor Gordon Mah Ung
immediately set out to verify the results in a frenetic
three-day period of testing, speculation, and bicker-
ing. Adhering to the principles of scientific method,
which dictates thorough and repeated experimenta-
tion until one has validated or proved wrong the
hypothesis—in this case, that RAID 0 is no faster
than a single drive—the editors tested multiple sys-
tem configurations with a slew of different games.
The results of their testing supported the reports we
originally read online. (For explicit details, turn to In
the Lab on page 72.)
Here’s where it gets interesting: as this finding
receives more attention, it could have industry-wide
ramifications, at least in terms of PC building for
gaming performance. For example, all six high-end
PCs in this month’s high-performance gaming PC
round-up use RAID 0. And while it’s important to
note that RAID 0 still delivers performance boosts in
certain non-gaming circumstances, this could force a
major rethinking of RAID philosophies. It makes me
wonder: Are there other commonly held misconcep-
tions around PC performance? Just like the RAID 0
issue—time will tell.
[email protected]
The Lab At Its Best
8 In/Out
You write, we respond
14 Quick Start
PC previews, news, and factoids
24 Head2Head
This month: Mobile gaming devices
26 WatchDog
Maximum PC takes a bite out of bad gear
66 Ask the Doctor
Symptom, diagnosis, cure
68 How To...
This month: Add RAID drivers and SP
to your original WinXP CD
72 In the Lab
A behind-the-scenes look at Maximum PC
product testing
120 Rig of the Month
It’s amazing what a person can
do with a PC!
74 Handtop PC: Sony VAIO-U
76 Videocard: Sapphire Toxic X800 Pro
76 Videocard: eVGA e-GeForce 6800 Ultra AGP
78 Pocket video recorder: Archos AV
80 Dual-layer DVD burner: Lite-On SOHW-832S
80 Media streaming box: Pinnacle Show Center
82 USB 2.0 external drive: Iomega REV 35GB/90GB
82 USB 2.0 external drive: Transcend StoreJet 20GB
84 2.1 speakers: Klipsch ProMedia GMX A-2.
84 2.1 speakers: Edifier S2.1D
85 Speaker headset: Altec Lansing AHS
86 Digicam: Canon EOS ID Mark II
88 USB 2.0/FireWire external drive: Lacie Bigger Disk
88 MP3 player: Apple iPod
90 Mouse: Microsoft S+ark
90 Mouse: Logitech MX1000 Laser
92 USB network hub: Keyspan USB Server
92 Audio encoding app: Magix Music on CD & DVD
95 Singles: Flirt Up Your Life
95 Missing: Since January
USB 2.0 external drive: Iomega REV 35GB/90GB
USB 2.0 external drive: Transcend StoreJet 20GB
USB 2.0/FireWire external drive: Lacie Bigger Disk
Audio encoding app: Magix Music on CD & DVD
USB 2.0/FireWire external drive: Lacie Bigger Disk
The way we discovered this shocking revelation
to the printer. On the second day of shipping pages,
Associate Editor Josh Norem literally stumbled upon
Symptom, diagnosis, cure
This month: Add RAID drivers and SP
to your original WinXP CD
A behind-the-scenes look at
product testing
do with a PC!
product testing
Get your
game on!
Page 24
Pyramid PC.
Page 120
Get your
Two words:
Hot Cubby.
Page 18
product testing
Rig of the Month
It’s amazing what a person can
do with a PC!
Videocard: Sapphire Toxic X800 Pro
Videocard: eVGA e-GeForce 6800 Ultra AGP
Pocket video recorder: Archos AV
Dual-layer DVD burner: Lite-On SOHW-832S