Update Your Setup Files
Our next objective is to extract Service Pack
2 to a folder so we can update our existing
Windows setup files. Open the command
prompt by clicking Start, Run, and typing
cmd.exe. Use the change-directory com-
mand to navigate to the folder where you
just saved the SP2 executable in the pre-
vious step. (The syntax for change-direc-
tory is cd <path>, so if you saved the SP2
executable to, say, C:\Downloads, you
would type cd C:\Downloads to go there.)
Extract the SP2 files by typing xpSP2 –x,
where xpSP2 is the name of the SP2 exe-
cutable you downloaded. When prompted
for a destination to extract the files to, enter
Once the files have been extracted,
insert your Windows XP CD into an
optical drive and copy its entire contents
to a different folder on your hard drive.
To keep it simple, use C:\xpsetupcd as
the folder. Now, return to the command
prompt and type the following com-
mand: C:\xpSP2\i386\update\update
/s:C:\xpsetupcd. This will update your
existing Windows setup files with the
new code contained in Service Pack 2. A
message box will pop up to notify you
when the process is complete.
Service Pack 2’s built-in updater makes
it easy to patch your original Windows
setup files with Microsoft’s latest code.
Add Your RAID/SATA Drivers
We’re now ready to add RAID/SATA con-
troller drivers to our CD (if you don’t want
to do this, skip ahead to the final step).
Open the folder to which you copied your
Windows XP CD (C:\xpsetupcd) and create
a subfolder called $OEM$. Then, create a
subfolder of $OEM$ called $1 and a sub-
folder of $1 called drivers. The resulting
path should be C:\xpsetupcd\
$OEM$\$1\drivers. This is where
Windows Setup will look for drivers that
aren’t contained in its standard driver
library. For organizational purposes, make
a subfolder within drivers named for
the type of driver it will contain—for
instance, create a RAID folder for RAID
drivers or an SATA folder for Serial ATA
drivers. You can use any name, as long as
it has fewer than eight characters.
With the aforementioned folder
structure in place, copy the Windows XP
RAID/SATA drivers directly into the folder
you created above (we used C:\xpsetupcd\
$OEM$\$1\drivers\RAID). If your drivers
came in a self-extracting executable
rather than a zip file, you may be able to
extract its contents manually by opening
it in a program like WinRAR (available
at http://www.rarsoft.com ). (Alternately, you can
run the self-extracting executable, then
dig around in your system’s TEMP direc-
tory—usually C:/Documents and Settings/
YourUsername/LocalSettings/Temp until
you find the right directory). Finally, locate
the SYS file for your RAID/SATA controller
from among the files you just extracted;
it should be named after your specific
controller (e.g. fasttx2k.sys for a Promise
FastTrak TX2 RAID controller). The drivers
for different operating systems may be
split into distinct folders, so make sure
you find the SYS file that’s intended for
Windows XP. Once you find the SYS file,
copy it to the i386 folder of your Windows
CD (C:\xpsetupcd\i386).
Adding RAID or Serial ATA drivers to your
Windows CD will save you the trouble of
using a floppy disc to manually install
them every time you reformat.
Introduce Windows to Your Drivers
Somewhere in the depths of your RAID/SATA
controller’s INF file lurks the fabled PCI identi-
fier string.
Now that we’ve added our RAID/SATA
driver files to the mix, we need to tell
Windows Setup about the existence of
these drivers and how to use them. But
unless you happen to have this infor-
mation memorized—and if you do, this
might be a good time to turn off your
computer and spend some time in the
real world—you’ll need to look it up in
your driver’s INF file. This file is usually
found in the same place as the SYS file
you located in the previous step and will
probably have the same name, albeit
with an INF extension. Open the INF file
in Notepad and copy the PCI identifier
string, which is a series of characters
beginning with “PCI\VEN”—for instance,
PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_3376. There
may be other text on the same
line as the identifier string; if this
is the case, start at the first occur-
rence of PCI\VEN and copy the
text up to but not including the
first period (or the end of the line,
whichever comes first).
(situated in C:\xpsetupcd\i386)
and paste your PCI identifier
string under the [HardwareIds
Database] section of that file. At the end
of the string, add an equal-sign followed
by the driver name in quotes. In the case
of our Promise RAID controller, the
resulting line is: PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_
3376 = “fasttx2k”. Note: If your
driver’s INF file contains multiple PCI
identifier strings, copy all of them into
TXTSETUP.SIF. Now scroll down to the
Continued on page 70 Ë