NZ Hunter – August 2019

(Ann) #1

2 Years

With the days growing slowly longer some of us

kid ourselves that spring isn’t far off but I was

shivering under the tent fly while trying hard to

stay warm on the packed earth

Only minutes before, Annie the dog had tried to force her way back into my
sleeping bag after sneaking out for a call of nature and her sharp claws had
ripped a hole in my poofter pad. I was gutted – my expensive mattress was

That got me up and about, piling on
warm clothes and boots before sparking
the gas cooker into life. Eventually the
hissing steam from the billy woke the
Gotman from his slumber and I poured
hot coffee into our mugs for our first fix
of the day.
The new dawn spread light to the
east in the dripping forest as we
organized ourselves for the day
ahead. This primarily involved a 100 yard
walk through the bush before we broke
out into the sparse tussocks and got to
a rock buttress where we could watch
over a steep gully system just as we’d
done many times before. If we were lucky
some deer might be out, catching the
first warm rays of sun while they searched

for morsels to eat.
Early morning mist drifted up the gully
from the snaking river thousands of
feet below as our cold fingers gripped

binoculars. We both frantically glassed
likely spots for the glow of an animal,
hoping to win the (nonexistent) prize for
finding the first deer. I tend to check spots
where I have seen deer before, almost like
a speed reader, before settling into a
rhythm of methodically searching
feed guts, slips and everywhere else
my experience tells me I should look.
Slowly, as the mist burnt off and the
black panther found a spot in the sun,
I passed over a shape on a large slip.
Something about the shape stopped me
and I backed up a couple of yards and
refocused. Had it moved? I checked again
but was still not sure as it blended into its
surroundings so well. The fact that I am


Gotman from his slumber and I poured
hot coffeff e iintotoooururmmugugssfoforr ouour first fix
of the day.
The new dawn spread light to the
east in the dripping forest as we
ororororgagagagaganininininiizezezezezeedd ddd dououououoursrsrsselelelelevevevevveves sss fofofoorr ththhhee e edadadaday yy y
aheaeaaad.dd.d. ThThThThisisisisppppririririmamamamamririririilylylylyiiiiinvnvnnvnvololololoveveddda a a 10101010100 00 00 yayayayyardrdrdrdrd
wawalklkktthrhrououughghghtttthehhehebbbbususussh h h bebebebefofofoforerereewwwe e ebrbrbbokokke
ouut tini toottthhehessspapapaarsrsre e etutututusssssssocococksksksaaandndndggotott to
aaaarorooockcckckkbbbutuutututrtrtresesessss s ss swhwhwhwhwwhwhhheererereree eeweweweccouououldldldwwwwatatchc
ovovoovoverereeerrrraaaaasssssteteteteeepepepepepeepepgggggggggululuululuulullylylylylylylyyssssssssssysysysysysysyyysysyysytetettetttem m mmmmm m jujujujujujujjjujuststststststsstttaaaaassssssswewwewewewewew ’d’d’ddd
dodooneneneneneneneemmmmmmmananannnnny y y y y y titititittitimememememmememes sssss s s bebebebebebebebebeeefofofofofofofoorerererererererere....IIfIfIfIfIfIfIfIfIffwwwwwwwwwwwe e e eee eeeeewwewewewewewewwwewerererererelllucucucuckykykyky
sososososoomemmmmmemmedddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeer rrrrr r mmimmmimighghghghghghgghghhhtttttttt t bebebebebebebebebebebeeeoooooooooooutututututututututuutut, ,, , cacacacacacacccacatctctctctctcthihihhihihiiiingngngngnngngngnggttttthheheheh
firfirfirfirrstststststwwwwwararrrrm mmm mm mrarararararaaaysysysyysysy ooooooof f f ff ffsusususususususususunnnn nnn n nnnnnnnwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwwhwwwhwhhilililililililiililleeeeeeeeeththththththththtthtthheyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyssseaeaeaeaeaarcrcrcrcrcrhehehhedd

feet below as our cold fingers gripped surroundings^ so^ well.^ The^ fact^ that^ I^ am

The Ngaruroro
River snaking
through the

Gotman glassing
with the 300WSM
set to go

42 NZ HUNTER MAGAZINE ~ August / Septem-




With the days growing slowly longer some of us

kid ourselves that spring isn’t far off but I was

shivering under the tent fly while trying hard to

stay warm on the packed earth

Only minutes before, Annie the dog had tried to force her way back into my
sleeping bag after sneaking out for a call of nature and her sharp claws had
ripped a hole in my poofter pad. I was gutted – my expensive mattress was

That got me up and about, piling on

for morsels to eat.

binoculars. We both frantically glassed
likely spots for the glow of an animal,
hoping to win the (nonexistent) prize for
finding the first deer. I tend to check spots
where I have seen deer before, almost like
a speed reader, before settling into a
rhythm of methodically searching
feed guts, slips and everywhere else
my experience tells me I should look.
Slowly, as the mist burnt off and the
black panther found a spot in the sun,
I passed over a shape on a large slip.
Something about the shape stopped me
and I backed up a couple of yards and
refocused. Had it moved? I checked again
butwasstillnotsureasit blendedintoits
surroundingssowellThefactthatI am


GotmanfromhisslumberandI poured
hotcoffeff eiinttoooururmmugugssfoforrouourfirst fix
of theday.
eastinthe drippingforestaswe
aa ii eddouououoursevev sss orrththhheeeedaddayy
aheaaad T isprrrma iiiinvoveedd
wawa tt u tttth bus b foo we o e
ouutini toothess arree s aa dg tto
aaa occkkbbuuututresesssssss eerree ou watac
overrraaassste l e a d
o. reell kky
sssoo ed mi , ch tttt
firrststwwarr r ss sseaarrcrr hh

feetbelowasourcoldfingersgripped surroundingssowell.ThefactthatIam

The Ngaruroro
River snaking
through the

Gotman glassing
with the 300WSM
set to go

42 NZ HUNTER MAGAZINE ~ August / Septem-



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