Group Financial Report
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Revenue & Expenses
for year ended 28th February
2018 2017
Membership 351 383
Other Supporter Income 5,216 4,587
Bequests 1,530 916
Grants 762 1,053
Other Income 1,320 859
Gama Foundation – Donation 80 5,000
Grant & Marilyn Nelson Endowment Fund 172 34
Total Income 9,432 12,831
Conservation 3,818 3,846
Organisational Support & Governance 1,629 1,538
Membership & Fundraising 2,862 2,906
Other Expenditure 303 50
Grant & Marilyn Nelson Endowment Fund Expenditure 27 -
Total Expenditure 8,640 8,341
Net Surplus 792 4,490
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets / Equity
for year ended 28th February
Accumulated Revenue & Restricted Total Net
Expense Reserves Asset / Equity
Balance as at 1 March 2016 9,624 385 10,009
Total Comprehensive revenue & expense for the year 4,490 – 4,490
Transfer – Restricted & Branch Reserves (5,247) 5,247 –
Balance as previously stated 8,867 5,632 14,499
Transfers – Restricted & Branch Reserves (113) 113 –
Balance as at 28 February 2017 8,755 5,744 14,499
Total Comprehensive revenue & expense for the year 792 – 792
Transfer – Restricted & Branch Reserves (473) 473 –
Balance as at 28 February 2018 9,073 6,218 15,291
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
as at 28th February
Current Assets 5,431 9,832
Grant & Marilyn Nelson Endowment Fund 5,233 –
Non Current Assets 6,992 7,099
Total Assets 17,656 16,932
Current Liabilities 1,672 1,706
Non Current Liabilities 693 726
Total Liabilities 2,366 2,433
Equity 15,291 14,499
Total Equity & Liabilities 17,656 16,932
Summary Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended 28 February
Net Operating Cash Flow 1,033 4,441
Net Investing Cash Flow 1,219 (5,441)
Net Cash Flow 2,253 (1,000)
Cash and cash equivalents at begining of year 1,598 2,598
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 3,850 1,598
All of these figures are units of $1,000 - so
yes, you read that right, last year F&B spent
$8,640,000! We need a channel for our
funding if we are to protect our interests.
could it
look like
We all understand
what Forest & Bird’s
extreme ideological
views are, but what
we are truly up
against here is the
size of their bank
balance not their
membership. Those
that oppose the
existence of our deer,
tahr, chamois and wild
pigs are well organised,
well-funded and use paid
professionals to further
their ideals. This what
we must be if we are to
maintain our hunting
We know this model
works and Fish & Game
is the prime example. Ducks, quail and
trout etc are valued for the resource
they are. This extends as far as creating
better habitat for ducks and stocking
rivers with trout. But remember these are
also introduced species, so what’s the
difference? Again, funding and lobbying
A quick look at the expenses from Fish &
Game’s last annual report shows how the
money is used to further their interests
and enhance recreation. Think how much
could be achieved through the GAC with
a similar budget and having full time
advocacy, public relations, management
and research expertise.
Conservatively there are 50,000 big game
hunters in New Zealand, so even with a
very nominal contribution, the potential
for funding is obvious. Certainly we won’t
get another chance to have a statutory
game management organisation, so we
need to build support for the GAC and
the key to this is money.
Put simply, we need the general
public and the government to support
managing our big game as a resource, but
presently we don’t value them enough
ourselves to pay for that management.
This undermines our position completely.
What do we do for
At present we don’t have a system
to pay, which is the point of this
opinion piece, we should support
the concept and embrace it when it
becomes a reality. So, in the meantime
join your local NZDA. They’ve had their
ups and downs but they’re the best
we’ve got and for many decades these
dedicated volunteers have held the line.
Get behind the Game Animal Council
and the establishment of Herds of Special
Interest, because it's one of the only
Truly wild trophies like this currently
have no management at all, they are
completely at the whim of commercial
and conservation interests
August / September 2019~ NZ HUNTER MAGAZINE 61
ConsolidatedStatementofComprehensiveRevenue& Expenses
2018 2017
Membership 351 383
OtherSupporterIncome 5,216 4,587
Bequests 1,530 916
Grants 762 1,053
OtherIncome 1,320 859
GamaFoundation– Donation 80 5,000
Grant& MarilynNelsonEndowmentFund 172 34
TotalIncome 9,432 12,831
Conservation 3,818 3,846
OrganisationalSupport& Governance 1,629 1,538
Membership& Fundraising 2,862 2,906
OtherExpenditure 303 50
Grant& MarilynNelsonEndowmentFundExpenditure 27 -
TotalExpenditure 8,640 8,341
NetSurplus 792 4,490
ConsolidatedStatementofChangesin NetAssets/ Equity
AccumulatedRevenue& Restricted TotalNet
Expense Reserves Asset / Equity
Balanceasat1 March 2016 9,624 385 10,009
TotalComprehensiverevenue& expensefortheyear 4,490 – 4,490
Transfer– Restricted& BranchReserves (5,247) 5,247 –
Balanceaspreviouslystated 8,867 5,632 14,499
Transfers– Restricted& BranchReserves (113) 113 –
Balanceasat 28 February 2017 8,755 5,744 14,499
TotalComprehensiverevenue& expensefortheyear 792 – 792
Transfer– Restricted& BranchReserves (473) 473 –
Balanceasat 28 February 2018 9,073 6,218 15,291
CurrentAssets 5,431 9,832
Grant& MarilynNelsonEndowmentFund 5,233 –
NonCurrentAssets 6,992 7,099
TotalAssets 17,656 16,932
CurrentLiabilities 1,672 1,706
NonCurrentLiabilities 693 726
TotalLiabilities 2,366 2,433
Equity 15,291 14,499
TotalEquity& Liabilities 17,656 16,932
Fortheyearended 28 February
NetOperatingCashFlow 1,033 4,441
NetInvestingCashFlow 1,219 (5,441)
NetCashFlow 2,253 (1,000)
Cashandcashequivalentsatbeginingofyear 1,598 2,598
Cashandcashequivalentsatendofyear 3,850 1,598
Allofthesefiguresareunitsof$1,000- so
$8,640,000!Weneeda channelforour
fundingif wearetoprotectourinterests.
could it
look like
We all understand
what Forest & Bird’s
extreme ideological
views are, but what
we are truly up
against here is the
size of their bank
balance not their
membership. Those
that oppose the
existence of our deer,
tahr, chamois and wild
pigs are well organised,
well-funded and use paid
professionals to further
their ideals. This what
we must be if we are to
maintain our hunting
We know this model
works and Fish & Game
is the prime example. Ducks, quail and
trout etc are valued for the resource
they are. This extends as far as creating
better habitat for ducks and stocking
rivers with trout. But remember these are
also introduced species, so what’s the
difference? Again, funding and lobbying
A quick look at the expenses from Fish &
Game’s last annual report shows how the
money is used to further their interests
and enhance recreation. Think how much
could be achieved through the GAC with
a similar budget and having full time
advocacy, public relations, management
and research expertise.
Conservatively there are 50,000 big game
hunters in New Zealand, so even with a
very nominal contribution, the potential
for funding is obvious. Certainly we won’t
get another chance to have a statutory
game management organisation, so we
need to build support for the GAC and
the key to this is money.
Put simply, we need the general
public and the government to support
managing our big game as a resource, but
presently we don’t value them enough
ourselves to pay for that management.
This undermines our position completely.
What do we do for
Atpresentwedon’thavea system
topay,whichis thepointofthis
theconceptandembraceit whenit
becomesa reality.So,inthemeantime
Truly wild trophies like this currently
have no management at all, they are
completely at the whim of commercial
and conservation interests
August / September 2019~ NZ HUNTER MAGAZINE 61