x16 slots as x8. Why not operate both
slots at true x16 modes? nVidia says
there are two reasons. The fi rst is that
there is no need for today’s—and
probably even tomorrow’s—hardware
to require that much bandwidth.
The second reason is the electrical
challenge of building a chipset
with 32 or more PCI Express lanes;
extra lanes require the chipset to
have additional contact pads—the
electrical contact points that must be
soldered to the motherboard. With
32 lanes, the amount of contact
points would make the chipset pretty
unwieldy, size-wise, which may
explain why no PCI Express chipset
we’ve seen to date supports more
than 20 PCI Express lanes.
Despite rumors that SLI will
require identical PCB boards and
chip versions to operate, nVidia
offi cials tell Maximum PC that the
only requirement for pairing up
videocards is that the cards be of
the same family. That is, you will
have to mate a 6800 GT with a 6800
GT—not a 6800 Ultra.
The nForce4 chipset will be
introduced in three versions: an
SLI version that supports all the
chipset’s features, an Ultra version
that lacks SLI, and a stripped
“mainstream” version that’s so basic
you won’t even get the SATA 3GB/s
support or the fi rewall.
When paired with the
MSI K8N Diamond, this
card lets you configure
the board to operate as a
single x16 or dual-x8 PCI-E
for SLI graphics cards.
The four SATA ports
and two PATA ports
can combine forces
for a jumbo RAID
The nForce4 chipset
continues to be a
single-chip solution.
Any Socket 939
processor should work
with the nForce4 SLI.
Whither VIA?
n6idias comPetitor makes
big Plans for PC) EXPress
VIA isn’t standing still while nVidia
rolls out its fancy-pants hardware.
While we’ve yet to see any actual
parts, the company was the fi rst to
announce a PCI Express chipset
for the Athlon 64/FX platform with
the K8T890.
Unlike nVidia’s ultra-low latency
single-chip solution, the K8T890 is a
traditional north bridge/south bridge
confi guration. VIA makes 20 PCI
Express lanes available in the north
bridge and two in the south bridge,
which the company says allows
motherboard vendors to make fl exible
choices, like plumbing LAN or an
HDTV tuner directly to a PCI Express
lane in the north bridge. VIA also says
it will support dual PCI Express cards
in a Pro version of the chipset, but
it’s not clear yet if the company has
the blessing of its arch-rival nVidia.
Finally, a version of the chipset that
supports dual video cards for the
Pentium 4 called the PT894 Pro is also
in the works for later this year.
What’s new in nForce
2004 MA XIM 13 UMPC
e’re so accustomed to seeing microproces-
sors and memory chips get faster, cheaper, and
smaller that it’s easy to believe Moore’s law applies
equally to all chips. But there’s an interesting excep-
tion: image sensors for digital cameras.
Someone in an online forum recently questioned
the wisdom of buying a 6- or 8-megapixel camera right
now. His reasoning was that Moore’s law would rapidly
make them obsolete by bringing us 12- and 16-mega-
pixel cameras for roughly the same price in 18 months
or so. After all, isn’t that the effect of Moore’s law: The
transistor density of chips doubles every 18 months?
Alas, there are two problems with his reasoning.
First, Moore’s law doesn’t really work as advertised,
even with microprocessors. However, that’s a subject
for a future column. More to the point: Moore’s law isn’t
necessarily helping image sensors, because they don’t
always get better as they shrink in size and increase in
density. In fact, they’re starting to get worse.
Compare the latest 6-megapixel digital SLRs from
Canon and Nikon with the latest 8-megapixel digi-
cams from the same two companies and from Konica
Minolta, Olympus, and Sony. If pixels were all that
mattered, the digicams would be clearly superior to
the DSLRs—but they aren’t. The DSLRs produce better
images, especially at higher sensitivity (ISO) settings,
despite having sensors with 25 percent fewer pixels.
Mainly, the DSLR pictures are better because they’re
less “noisy,” also referred to as grainy. They’re less
noisy because DSLRs have larger image sensors with
much bigger sensor sites or “light wells,” so they cap-
ture more photons per pixel than the digicams do.
Taking advantage of Moore’s law to shrink an
image-sensor chip and increase the density of its
sensor sites has become a disadvantage. A smaller,
denser imaging chip has more pixels but is less sen-
sitive and noisier. The key to making better digital
cameras is to fabricate larger sensor chips that have
room for more of the bigger sensor sites. DSLRs with
full-frame (35mm-size) sensors, like the 11-megapixel
Canon EOS-1Ds, yield pictures that rival those from
medium-format film cameras. Unfortunately, making
larger chips runs counter to the goal of Moore’s law,
which is to make smaller and denser chips.
Nevertheless, Moore’s law helps digital cameras
in other ways. Sometimes it’s possible to reduce man-
ufacturing costs by making image sensors using older,
amortized chip-fabrication technology instead of the
latest, most expensive technology. Also, other chips in
digital cameras definitely benefit from Moore’s law—
particularly the microprocessors that manipulate and
compress each picture before saving it on the memory
card. But the heart of a digital camera, its image sen-
sor, defies the famous law.
Digital Cameras
Defy Moore’s Law
Tom Halfhill was formerly a senior editor for Byte magazine and
now an analyst for Microprocessor Report.
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