Popular Mechanics - USA (2018-07 & 2018-08)

(Antfer) #1
In a modern car, even basic components are packed with technolog y. That’s why a 2016 Nissan Altima is so conve-
nient, so safe—and why replacement headlights can cost more than $2,000. Those expensive parts have increased
demand for black-market discount alternatives. Pair that with security gaps in features like remote unlocking and
push-to-start, and auto theft is up: 4 percent in 2017, and 7.4 percent in 2016. So how can you convince an opportu-
nistic thief to move on to an Altima that’s not yours? We tested three high-tech deterrents. And The Club.




The Hum consists of a
plug for the OBD port
that gathers vehicle
data and a wireless
Bluetooth speaker that
clips to your sun visor.
If you wake up to an
empty space where
your car was parked
the night before, open
the Hum phone app and
you can see your car’s
location. But the idea
isn’t to help you ind
the perp and go all vigi-
lante. The Hum is there
to say that the owner
is watching. Because
unplugging it triggers

This pouch is made
of fabric woven with
conductive metals that
block any electronic
signal from getting in or
out. If you park within
range of your key fob,
stash it inside this bag
to stop a thief from
copying the signal. Even
with the lap open,
our tester Jaguar XF
couldn’t read the real
key’s signal from inside
the car. Unconcerned
with aesthetics? We
found that two layers of
aluminum foil work just
as well.

If this dashcam detects
motion in or near your
car when you’re not
in it, LEDs light up the
interior, and it sends live
video straight to your
phone and to Owl—
even if a thief steals it,
you’ll still have his photo.
The device also has a
speaker, so if you get an

alert, you can say, “Hey,
you, with the soul patch
and the Insane Clown
Posse tee, just letting
you know that my steer-
ing wheel is covered
with botulism!” And that
the cops are on the way.

$299 plus
$10 per month


But what about simple tools and brute force? We took a drill to the lock, then hammered in a screwdriver, snap-
ping the welds and releasing one of the hooks. Disqualiied? Nah. Like all these devices, The Club’s job has
always been to announce that this car is more trouble than it’s worth. Thirty-two years later, it still does. $43


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