Kayak Session Magazine – December 01, 2019

(sharon) #1
While rivers around the world are under continued threat from dams and
development, a growing grassroots crusade is rising up in response. From
Bosnia to Bolivia, Uganda to North Carolina, activists are raising their voices in
defense of the voiceless and fighting for the rivers that run through us all. We
salute these river warriors for their dedication and sacrifice in defending our
most important places.


It’s not a moment, it’s a movement.

Join the movement at nrs.com/protect

Clockwise: Ruth Alipaz Cuqui, founding
leader of women’s training at the
Chalalan Ecolodge and advocate for
Bolivia’s free-flowing rivers; activists in
support of free-flowing rivers; a Madidi
National Park Guard learns swiftwater
training to better monitor illegal activities
on the Tuichi River; Rok Rozman, founder
of the Balkan River Defence

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