Yachting Monthly – September 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

instead? Many yachts are fitted with a rotary
switch (Battery 1 – Battery 2 – Both) which
solves the problem. If you don’t have this,
imagine entering an unfamiliar harbour, at
night, in a stiff breeze and ask yourself what
you would do if the starter motor refused to
play. For years I kidded myself that I would
use jump leads, but came to realise that the
chances of remembering which leads to
connect to which terminal and in what order
was simply not practical. One solution is to
install a ‘cross-connect’ isolating switch
which connects the domestic batteries to
the starter motor. You may need to study
the boat’s wiring diagram or get some expert
advice, as I did, to ensure that you don’t
cause too much damage!
Andy Du Port

Battery cross-connect

If your engine-starting battery should fail (and
they do) could you use the domestic batteries

Some years ago, we managed
to moor our motor-sailer on the
outside of a trot against the harbour
wall in Port St Mary on the Isle of
Man. The wind had risen from a
moan to a shriek and had us all
running shore lines to the pier –
noisy, bumpy but hopefully secure.
But not for long. At the height of the
storm two fishing boats came round
the pier head and simply pushed
between the inside boat and the
harbour wall. Loud roars of protest
had no effect, so after much
adjustment of lines, we all settled
down to make the best of it. The
wind kept on rising and where
possible, crew were sitting on the
leeward deck of their boat, bracing
legs against the yacht they were
being pushed against by the force
of the wind. It could hardly have

been worse, or so we thought.
Out of nowhere on that wild night
came a sail training vessel (name of
boat and skipper withheld). She
ploughed into us, stanchions ripped
out, rigging torn from chainplates,
rubber tires just about preventing
damage to the hull. More yelling,
ropes flung and blown away, more
ropes this time finding something
to tie onto. Chaos reigned. The
crew of the trainer were wearing
duffle coats and wellies, clearly
not sea-cadets.

We found out later they were a
group from a young farmers’ club.
Up to this point my wife had been
keeping the children occupied,
reading stories and trying to block
out the mayhem on deck. She was
stressed, end-of-tether tired and
understandably frightened. So it
was not a wise moment for the
master of the offending vessel to
send one of his people across on
a goodwill mission with a cup of tea
and a wodge of cake. ‘Skipper’s
compliments missus. He wants to
know if you’d like something for
your nerves ?’
Now here’s the tip. When things
are bad, there are certain actions
that just go to make them worse
and this was a classic. The reply
is unprintable. So take a lesson
from this, judge your moment well
and be careful not to antagonise
anyone who is at his or her limits.
Brian Black

Peace off ering

Boat checks when leaving

Driving home after sailing is not the
time to be worrying if you turned
off the gas, pumped the bilges or
closed the seacocks. We have a
check-off list which covers all this
and more: battery isolators off,
windows and hatches closed and

secured, ensign and burgee
lowered, cockpit lockers locked
and so on. We include things to
take home such as wallet, house
keys and phone. It doesn’t take
long and you can enjoy the drive!
Andy Du Port














Julian is special
projects manager
at DSM Group. He
previously spent 18
years at Marlow Ropes
and 22 years at
Gleistein in the UK.

Brian has survived nine
Arctic seasons since
the mid 1990s. Using
his expert skills, he’s
often getting himself
out of tricky situations.

Harry is an RYA
Yachtmaster Offshore
and has sailed solo
around the UK. He was
the Commanding
Officerof the Royal
Netherlands Navy’s
sail training vessel.

Andy is a former RN
navigating officer and
RYA cruising instructor.
He also edited Reeds
Nautical Almanac
for five years.

Send your questions to our experts at [email protected] for the chance to win a bottle of Chilgrove gin

Andy’s own cross-connect
switch for his battery

Find the right time for a peace offering
if you bump someone else’s boat

Checking stopcocks is just one
of the tasks to complete
before leaving your boat
Free download pdf