Science - USA (2022-05-27)

(Maropa) #1
the timing and location of intestinal antigen
exposure is an important determinant of the
responses elicited and the establishment of
tolerance to commensals ( 39 ). During the first
10 days of postnatal life (the neonatal phase),
antigens are kept separate from intestinal im-
mune cells by a tight barrier, but from day 11
until weaning (day 21), luminal antigens are
encountered mostly by immune cells in the
colon. Thereafter, in the postweaning phase,
antigens are encountered almost exclusively
by immune cells in the small intestine ( 40 ).
Encounters in the preweaning phase (window
of opportunity) are more likely to lead to to-
lerance by induction of Tregs expressing the
transcription factor retinoic acid–related or-
phan receptorgt (RORgt), influencing sub-
sequent exposures to the same antigens later
in life ( 40 )(Fig. 2). The timing and location of
antigen sensing is regulated by goblet cell–
associated antigen passages ( 41 ), which are
inhibited by epidermal growth factor (EGF)
in breastmilk, thereby allowing for a care-
fully timed and localized sensing of luminal
antigens ( 40 ) (Fig. 2). At the time of weaning
in mice, there is a transient intestinal immune
response toward members of the microbiota,
which is modulated by dietary and microbial
factors such as retinoic acid and short-chain
fatty acids that further promote Tregs ex-
pressing RORgt( 42 ). In the absence of such
environmental factors, RORgt+Tregs failed
to develop, and experimental colitis induced
by dextran sulfate sodium and allergic in-
flammation induced by oxazolone were more
pronounced ( 42 ). Tregs induced before and
during the time of weaning persist, but con-
tinuous antigen delivery is required to main-
tain Treg numbers and tolerance to a particular
Timing is also important for food allergy
development, in which early exposure to po-
tential allergens reduces the risk of developing
allergies toward these same antigens ( 43 ). This
effect is enhanced in breastfed infants by
maternal IgG-antigen complexes, maternal
EGF, and transforming growth factorbin
breastmilk ( 44 ) (Fig. 2). Members of the micro-
biota also contribute and exert modulatory
effects ( 45 ), and when specific microbes iden-
tified to be overrepresented in nonallergic
press experimental allergic inflammation by
inducing RORgt+Tregs ( 46 ).
The window of opportunity for tolerance
induction is less well defined in humans, but
antibiotic exposure during the first 100 days of
life has been associated with increased risk
of atopy ( 31 ). This is a period when the cir-
culating immune system in human newborns
is particularly dynamic ( 35 ) and when CD4+
T cells carrying gut-homing markers are ex-
panding in the blood, suggestive of immune
reactivity to the microbiota ( 34 ). In contrast

to mice, this reaction is less tightly linked to
weaning, but breastmilk and its components
exert an important influence on the nature of
early-life immune responses during microbial
colonization. HMOs in the breastmilk are me-
tabolized by microbes carrying the necessary
genetic machinery, leading to the production of
metabolites such as indole-3-lactic acid, which
likely mediates some of the beneficial effects of
breastmilk early in life ( 34 , 47 ). IgA antibodies
in breastmilk have been shown to promote
colonization by selected microbes in mice by
anchoring them to the mucus layer in the in-
testine ( 48 ). It is becoming increasingly clear
that homeostatic B cell responses in the intes-
tine are dominated by IgA. Conversely, more
inflammatory IgG responses to commensal
microbes are rare but are more abundant when
tolerance is lost, as in inflammatory bowel
disease ( 49 ). Presumably, maternal antibodies
in breastmilk and thosetransferred across the
placenta help to tip the balance toward tole-
rance and immune-microbe mutualism while
providing passive immunity to defend from
invasive bacteria. Breastfeeding and the ex-
pansion of HMO-metabolizing bacteria such
as Bifidobacteriumlongumsubspeciesinfantis
(B. infantis) induce skewing of T cells both

in vivo and in vitro, away from T helper type 17
(TH17) and TH2andtowardTH1celldiffer-
entiation, and exert a dampening effect on
systemic and intestinal inflammation ( 34 )
(Fig. 2).
Whether these differences in early-life re-
sponses to the microbiota and modulation
by breastmilk will also translate into dif-
ferent rates of atopy development and other
immune-mediated diseases remains to be
seen. Clearly, there are numerous evolution-
arily conserved mechanisms that promote
colonization by beneficial microbes, immune
tolerance to these microbes and food com-
ponents, and the establishment of healthy
immune-microbe mutualism early in life.
So why do these increasingly fail in industrial-
ized societies, leading to increasing rates of
immune-mediated diseases?

Mismatched environments
Immune systems have evolved under strong
selective pressure from microbes since the
first appearance of humans in Africa 200,
to 300,000 years ago, dispersal across the con-
tinents from 100,000 years ago, and through
major lifestyle changes such as agricultural-
ism ~10,000 years ago ( 50 ). One way to explain

Brodin,Science 376 , 945–950 (2022) 27 May 2022 3of


Breastmilk TGF-β


Breastmilk HMO



Breastmilk sIgA





Window of opportunity Immunematuration

Fig. 2. Tolerance-promoting factors during a window of opportunity early in life.The induction of
tolerance toward commensal microbes and harmless food antigens in the gut is promoted during a window of
opportunity whereby regulated antigen sampling through goblet cell–associated antigen passages (GAPs)
is regulated in time and space by the EGF provided by breastmilk ( 40 ). Transforming growth factorb(TGFb)
in breastmilk also promotes the differentiation of Tregs expressing the transcription factor RORgt, and
HMOs provide a growth advantage to beneficial microbes such asB. infantis, which express all of the genes
necessary for HMO metabolism. This process of HMO metabolism and microbial expansion leads to the
production of specific metabolites such as indole-3-lactic acid, which skew CD4+T cells away from
inflammatory TH17 and TH2 and toward TH1 and the prevention of inflammatory responses to the microbiota
( 34 ). Maternal IgA in breastmilk can selectively promote colonization by specific microbes by anchoring
them to the mucus layer, and maternal IgG prevents invasive infections.




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