Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

  • JEREMIAH 21-

    • VOLUME


  • Texts and Reference Works

  • Commentaries

  • Books, Monographs, and Articles


  • I. On Kings and Prophets (21:1-23:40)

    • A. Speaking of Kings (21:1-23:8)

        1. Bad News, Good News (21:1-10)

          • a) Bad News for Zedekiah (21:1-7)

        • b) Bad News-Good News for the People (21:8-10)

        1. Oracles to the Royal House (21:11-14)

          • a) Execute Justice in the Morning! (21:11-12)

        • b) Indictment for Royal Pride (21: 13)

          • c) Judgment on Royal Deeds (21:14)

        1. Once Again, 0 King: Do Justice and Righteousness! (22: 1-5)

        1. A Cutting in Lebanon South (22:6-9)

          1. Lament Jehoahaz, Not Josiah! (22:10-12)

        1. A King with an Edifice Complex (22:13-17)

        1. A Non-lament for Jehoiakim (22: 18-19)

        1. Lebanon South to Be Strangely Favored (22:20-23)

        1. Coniah: A Rejected Seal (22:24-27)

        1. Is Coniah a Throwaway Pot? (22:28-30)

        1. The Call Is Out for New Shepherds (23: 1-4)

        1. For David: A Righteous Shoot (23:5-6)

        1. New Exodus, New Oath (23:7-8)

    • B. Speaking of Prophets (23:9-40)

        1. Of Adulterers the Land Is Full! (23:9-12) viii Contents

        1. Tale of the Evil Prophets (23: 13-15)

        1. Prophets with a Vision of Their Own (23:16-17)

        1. F10phets without Portfolio (23:18-22)

          1. Am I a God Nearby and Not a God Far Off? (23:23-24)

        1. Speaking of Dreams (23:25-32)

        1. Speaking of 'Burdens' (23:33-40)

    • II. Prepare for a Life in Exile (24:1-29:32)

      • A. Good Figs Gone for Export (24:1-10)

        • B. Indictment of Judah and the Nations (25:1-38)

            1. Nebuchadrezzar: Yahweh's Servant for a Time (25:1-14)

              • Excursus III: The Composition of Jeremiah 24-36

            1. A Wrath-Filled Cup of Wine for the Nations (25: 15-29)

            1. Yahweh Will Roar from on High (25:30-31)

            1. Evil Will Travel (25:32-33)

            1. Wail, 0 Shepherds, and Cry Out! (25:34-38)

        • C. The Cost of Prophetic Preaching (26:1-24)

            1. The Temple Oracles and Jeremiah's Day in Court (26:1-19)

            1. Uriah of Kiriath-jearim: Prophet of Yahweh (26:20-24)

        • D. Jeremiah and the Yoke Bars (27:1-22)

      • E. Jeremiah Meets Hananiah ( 28:1-17)

        • F. Letters to the Exiles (29: 1-32)

            1. Bloom Where You Are Planted! (29:1-23)

            1. Concerning Shemaiah in Babylon (29:24-32)

  • III. The Book of Restoration (30:1-33:26)

    • A. Book of the Covenant (30:1-31:40)

        1. Superscription and Introductory Oracle (30:1-3)

        1. Yahweh Waits to Be Gracious (30:4-31:22)

          • a) A Time of Distress for Jacob (30:4-7)

          • b) Do Not You Be Afraid, Jacob (30:8-11)

          • c) Your Blow Is Incurable (30:12-15)

          • d) But from Your Blows I Will Heal You (30: 16-17)

          • e) Rebuilt City, Return to Joy (30:18-22)

          • f) Yahweh's Desert Storm (30:23-24)

            • g) Grace Again in the Wilderness (31: 1-6)

            • h) Yahweh Will Return the Remnant of Israel (31:7-9)

            • i) The One Who Scattered Will Gather (31:10-14)

            • j) Rachel Weeping in Ramah (31:15)

          • k) Rachel, Don't You Weep No More! (31:16-17) Contents ix

            1. Ephraim Heard Rockin' in Grief (31:18-19)

          • m) But I Still Remember Ephraim (31:20)

          • n) Return, Virgin Israel! (31:21-22)

        1. Look, Days Are Coming! (31:23-40)

          • a) May Yahweh Bless You, 0 Holy Mountain! (31:23-26)

          • b) Planting, Building, and Accountability (31:27-30)

          • c) The New Covenant (31:31-34)

            • Judaism, Including Qumran Excursus IV: The New Covenant in the Literature of

            • and Patristic Literature to A.D. Excursus V: The New Covenant in the New Testament

          • d) Ongoing Creation, Ongoing Covenant (31:3 5-3 7)

          • e) Rebuilt City, Reconsecrated Valley (31:38-40)

            • and Seventh Centuries B.C. Excursus VI: The Expansion of Jerusalem in the Eighth

    • B. Jeremiah Buys Land in Anathoth (32: 1-44)

      • l. Why Are You Prophesying Thus? (32:1-5)

        1. The Right of Redemption is Yours (32:6-15)

        1. Just Why Did I Buy This Field? (32: 16-25)

        1. Yahweh's Promised Judgment (32:26-35)

          • a) Is Anything Too Difficult for Me? (32:26-29)

          • b) Away with This City! (32:30-35)

          1. Yahweh's Promised Salvation (32:36-44)

            • a) The Eternal Covenant (32:36-41)

            • b) Fields Will Again Be Bought and Sold (32:42-44)

    • C. More on Restoration and Covenants (33:1-26)

      • l. I Will Tell You Great and Hidden Things! (33:1-3)

        1. Healed City, Healed People (33:4-9)

          1. Two Promises of Return (33:10-13)

            • a) The Return of Joyful Sounds (33:10-11)

          • b) The Return of Pasture Land (33:12-13)

        1. A Righteous King in a Righteous City (33:14-16)

        1. Davidic and Levitical Lines to Continue (33:17-18)

        1. Two Covenant Promises (33:19-26)

          • a) Covenants with David and Levi Remain Intact (33:19-22)

          • b) Seed of Jacob and David to Continue (33:23-26)

  • IV. False Covenants, True Covenants (34:1-36:32)

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