Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

people, and the Promised Land as having been reduced to a burned-out waste.
The parallel texts:

Deut 29:23-25[Eng 29:24-26]
And all the nations

will say,

'Why has Yahweh done thus to
this land;
what caused this great display of
And they will say, 'Because they
the covenant of Yahweh, the God
of their fathers, which he made
them when he brought them
from the land
of Egypt, and they went and
served other gods, and worshiped

them .... '

fer 22:8-9
And many nations will pass by this
city, and
they will say each person to his
'Why has Yahweh done thus to this
great city?'

And they will say, 'Because they
the covenant of Yahweh their God

worshiped other gods and served

For other question-and-answer forms in Jeremiah (5: 19; 9: 11-13 [Eng 9: 12-14];
16: 10-13 ), and one of comparable nature in the Annals of Ashurbanipal, see
Note for 5: 19. Compare also 1 Kgs 9:8-9 where, as in the present dialogue and
in Deut 29:23-25, the question will be asked not by Judahites but by people of
other nations. The envisioned question here deals with the fate of Jerusalem
(Rudolph; Weiser; Thiel 1973: 240), not just the palace and not the land as a
whole. But there is no reason (with Thiel) to date the dialogue after the fall of
Jerusalem. It could certainly have preceded the fall.

  1. And many nations. The LXX omits "many," which can be attributed to
    haplography (homoeoteleuton: ym ... ym). The adjective need not be taken as
    a borrowing from 25: 14 (pace Janzen 1973: 44; and Holladay). Also to be re-
    jected is the emendation by Volz and Rudolph to "many peoples" ("viele
    Leute"). The source passage of Deut 29:23[Eng 29:24] has "all the nations."
    each person to his fellow. 4QJera has <a[ re<ehu, whereas MT has >e[ re<ehu.
    Janzen (1973: 181) calls <a[ a copyist's error in anticipation of the next <at,
    which it need not be. The interchange of >e[ and <a[ is found throughout the
    book of Jeremiah (see Note for 11:2).

  2. Because. Hebrew <a[ «Her. A match for the preceding <aEng 29:24-25, as also in Deut 29:23-24[Eng 29:24-25].

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