Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

And scream .........................

because all your lovers........... kf ...

................... 'I will not listen'

that you have not listened to my voice kf ...

II All ..........................

and your lovers ..................

from all .........................

........................ Lebanon

........................... cedars

kol ...

mikkol ...

v 21

v 22

v 23

Stanza II with assonance makes another inclusio (Lundbom 1975: 57-58
[ = 1997: 78]):

II .......................... yeleku v 22

v 23

...................... kayyoleda

This poem, concluding as it does the core poetry to the King Collection, ap-
pears to have been connected at one time by catchword to the first poem of the
Prophet Collection (Lundbom 1975: 102-3 [= 1997: 135-36]). This shows the
Jehoiachin oracles in 22:24-30 and the messianic oracles in 23: 1-8 to be a later
addition. There are no catchwords connecting the present poem to the Jehoi-
achin oracles. The concluding "king poem" begins:

22:20 Go up to Lebanon and scream
and in the Bashan raise your voice!
And scream from Abarim
because all your lovers are broken nisbera

And the first "prophet poem" begins:

23:9 My heart is broken within me nisbar
all my bones shake


22:20. Go up to Lebanon and scream. Hebrew 'ii.If hallebcmon U.$e'aqf. Com-
pare the call for a lament in 49:3: "scream ($e'aqn8.), Rabbah's daughters!"
4QJer^0 has "into (the) Lebanon" (blbnwn), which corresponds to the reading
in v 23. The reading of 4QJer^0 is the lectio facilior. The MT varies the pre-

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