Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
Speaking of Prophets (23:9-40)

and will make them drink poisoned water
Because from the prophets of Jerusalem
pollution has gone forth to all the land.



The present verses contain two oracles (vv 13-14, v 15), both in poetry, which
are delimited at the top end by a concluding messenger formula to the prior or-
acle in v 12. Verse l 3b, with two occurrences of the nota accusativi, may be
later prose expansion. Delimitation at the bottom end is by a petubah in MA
and ML after v 15, where MP has no section. Prior to v 15 is a petubah in MA
and MP and a setumah in ML separating the two oracles. Oracle II is also set off
by the expanded messenger formula in 15a. The ML (only) has another setu-
mah after v 13, the purpose of which is unclear. Verses 13 and 14 must remain
together if the prophets of Samaria and Jerusalem are to be contrasted
Although vv 13-14 contain no messenger formula, Yahweh must be the
speaker on account of the first-person lf ("to me") in 14c (Holladay). What we
have then is another two-oracle sequence of indictment and judgment, where
the oracle of judgment begins with the often-used "therefore." A similar two-
oracle sequence occurs in vv 10-12.
The first oracle is two stanzas, having the following repetitions and balanc-
ing key terms:

Now in the prophets of Samaria

I have seen ...............

.................. by Baal

II But in the prophets oflerusalem

I have seen ....................

..................... by the lie

...................... evildoers

................. from his evil

.................. like Sodom

................ like Gomorrah


The two oracles are linked by the following repetition:

I ......... the prophets oflerusalem
II ......... the prophets oflerusalem

v 13

v 14

v 14
v 15

Catchwords connecting to the preceding oracle (Condamin; Craigie et al.):

v 14 Committing adultery na,op v I 0 adulterers mena, apfm
v 15 Therefore laken v 11 they are polluted banepu
pollution banuppa v 12 The ref ore la ken
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