Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

The main poem is three stanzas, its repetitions and balancing key terms be-
ing the following:


... who has stood in the council of Yahweh

.............. and let him hear his word!

who.............. .. my word and heard?

I did not send the prophets
yet they, they ran
I did not speak to them
yet they, they prophesied

III ....... they had stood in my council

and caused ....... to hear my words

v 18

v 21

v 22

For other tightly-balanced centers in the Jeremianic poems, see Rhetoric and
Composition for 2:4-9.
Yahweh is the speaker throughout. His initial question in v 18 is posed in
the third person, but with "my word" (Kt) comes a shift to the first person,
which is then retained to the end of the poem. A similar shift of person occurs
at the beginning of the divine speech to Coniah in 22:24. "His word" (Q) can
be explained as an attempt to provide consistency in v 18, once vv 19-20 were
inserted, at which point the continuity between vv 18 and 21 was broken.
The inserted poem of vv 19-20 begins with the familiar Jeremianic hinneh
("Look"), on which see Note for 1:9. The speaker here is Jeremiah, who adds a
word of judgment to Yahweh's word of indictment. Jeremiah's speech is a gen-
eral condemnation of the wicked but in its present context becomes a condem-
nation of the uncredentialed prophets and their message, although the
judgment is still slated for everyone. Why it breaks up the Yahweh speech is
not clear. The usual explanation is that it announces Yahweh's true word of
judgment spoken in council, which counters the false word of prophets who
say (in v 17) that there will be peace (Cheyne; Rudolph; Bright; Thompson;
Boadt; Craigie et al.; Jones). But the judgment would have gone much better
after v 22.
Catchwords connecting to the previous unit:

v 18
v 20
v 21
v 22

and let him hear ... and heard v 16
his heart
the prophets ... they, they prophesied
caused to hear v 17
evil (2x)

the prophets who prophesy
their own heart
his heart

There are no catchwords connecting to the oracles following.

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