Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

The upper limit of the present unit is marked by a superscription and intro-
duction in vv 1-2, before which there is a petu~ah in M\ ML, and MP prior to
25:1. The lower limit is marked by a petu~ah in MA and a setumah in ML and
MP after v 14. There are no sections in v 13, notably after v l 3a, where the LXX
makes its celebrated divergence from MT. The M\ MP, and 4QJerc have a
petu~ah and ML a setumah after v 7, which are doubtless guided by the messen-
ger formula in v 8 and serve to separate Oracle I from Oracle II.
The present unit consists of l) a dated narrative reporting an address by Jere-
miah to his people, in which he recalls 23 years of having received Yahweh's
word and having preached a message of reform, to which the people said a
resolute 'No' (vv 1-5); 2) a divine oracle stating Yahweh's call for reform and
an indictment for the people's same stubborn disregard (vv 6-7); 3) a second
divine oracle promising judgment on Judah and the nations (vv 8-11); and
4) a third divine oracle promising specific judgment on Babylon once 70 years
have elapsed (vv 12-14). Oracle I (vv 6-7) is demarcated by an unannounced
shift to Yahweh as speaker in v 6 ("Do not provoke me to anger ... and I will do
you no harm") and an "oracle of Yahweh" formula in v 7. The speaker of vv 3-5
is Jeremiah (MT).
Oracle I has this nice balance:

... and I will do you no hurt
... to your own hurt

welo' 'ara' lakem
/era' lakem


Oracle II has a chiastic structure made from the following key words and

II king of Babylon
this land ... all these nations
all this land ... and these nations
the king of Babylon

melek-babel v9
ha' are~ hazzo't ... kol haggoyim ha'elleh
kol-ha'are~ hazzo't ... haggoyim ha'elleh v 11

Oracles I and II are linked by these catchwords (cf. Cassuto l 973c: 225):

I But you have not listened to me
II Because you have not listened to my words

welo'-sema'tem 'elay v 7
... lo'-sema'tem 'et-debaray v 8

Yahweh continues to be the speaking voice in Oracles II and III, even surpris-
ingly in v 13, where Jeremiah's prophecies written in a book are cited. These
two oracles are also linked together by catchwords (cf. Cassuto l 973c: 225;
Keown et al.):

II seventy years
III seventy years

sib'fm sana
sib'fm sana

v 11
v 12

Oracle III in the LXX, as has been mentioned, introduces the Foreign Nation
Oracles, preeminently those against Babylon, which follow after v l 3a. In the

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