Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
Indictment of Judah and the Nations (25:1-38) 243

the first regnal year of the king, not an accession year (Begrich 1929: 60-
61 n. 2).

  1. which Jeremiah the prophet spoke concerning all the people ofludah and to
    all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Because Jeremiah is still moving freely about
    Jerusalem, this preaching must precede the scroll writing of chap. 36, which is
    dated in the same year (Streane; Jones). When the scroll is dictated, Jeremiah
    cannot enter the Temple area (36:5). The LXX omits kol ("all") in the phrase
    "and to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem," which may be due to haplography
    (homoeoteleuton: l ... l). Cornill, Janzen ( 1973: 66), and Holladay take the
    particle as an MT plus. For a discussion of kol, which occurs over 500 times in
    the book of Jeremiah and is sometimes omitted and sometimes added, see Jan-
    zen 1973: 65-67.
    Jeremiah the prophet. The LXX omits, as it does in 28:12; 38:9, 10, 14, and
    elsewhere (see Appendix VI B). Often it will retain "Jeremiah" and omit "the
    prophet," making it difficult to know if the title here is original. Schwally
    ( 1888: 178 n. 1 ), Giesebrecht, Duhm, Peake, Cornill, Bright, and Holladay
    omit it as an MT plus; Volz, Rudolph, Weiser, and McKane retain. The LXX
    omission has no effect on interpretation, since v 1 names Jeremiah as the sub-
    ject for "which he spoke" (hon elalesen).

  2. From the thirteenth year oflosiah son of Amon, king ofludah, yes, until this
    day-this is twenty-three years-the word of Yahweh has come to me, and I have
    spoken to you-constantly I spoke-but you have not listened. It has been 23
    years since Yahweh's word first came to Jeremiah in his call, which was 627
    B.C. ( 1 :2). Jeremiah is not claiming to have been preaching for 23 years, for the
    prophet's public ministry did not begin until 622 B.C., or soon after. For this re-
    vision of the traditional chronology, see §Introduction: Prophetic Ministry. It is
    then for a lesser number of years, say about 18, that Jeremiah has been preach-
    ing and the people not listening.
    From the thirteenth year. Hebrew min-ifelos <efreh sana. The LXX has "in the
    thirteenth year" (en triskaidekato etei); Aq and Symm "from the thirteenth
    year" (apo triskaidekatou etous).
    the word ofYahweh has come to me. Hebrew haya debar-yhwh >elay. Compare
    the first-person superscriptions in 1:4, 11, 13; and elsewhere (see Note for 1:4).
    The LXX omits, and once again many take the words as an MT plus. Here the
    omission combines with other LXX readings in vv 3-5 to make Yahweh, not
    Jeremiah, the speaker. The omission may then be part of a larger editing. But
    this does not make the LXX the better or more original text. Aquila and Theod
    have the omitted words. Also, there is no messenger formula in vv 3-5 indicat-
    ing a divine oracle. In fact, vv 1-2 introduce Jeremiah as addressing a Judahite
    audience, and the concluding le>mor ("saying") in v 2 introduces his speech,
    not Yahweh's. More important, if LXX's omission of "the word of Yahweh has
    come to me" be accepted, the text will then read as if Jeremiah has been
    preaching for 23 years, which, as we have said, cannot be right. He has been
    preaching for 18 years at most. The omitted words should therefore be re-
    tained, with MT (Volz; Rudolph; Weiser).

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