Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

Renkema ( 1997), that with the LXX order the priests alone can be the subject
of ha<omedfm, allowing the participle to be translated, "who were serving/offi-
ciating (in the house of Yahweh)." See Pss 134:1; 135:2; and Neh 12:44 for <md
meaning "serve/officiate." This would call attention to the official status of the
priests who are present. But whether the LXX reading is more original appears
doubtful. In the MT of chaps. 21-52, "priests" always precedes "people," even
in poetry (31: 14). And here in the present verse T and Vg support MT.

  1. Amen! So may Yahweh do! May Yahweh confirm your words that you have
    prophesied-to bring back the vessels of the house of Yahweh and all the exiles
    from Babylon to this place! Jeremiah's response is highly ironic (epitrope; see
    Note for 7:21). Having recently said that the exiles and Temple vessels would
    not soon come back, he is not now agreeing with Hananiah. Even if he wished
    for their return, he knew it would not happen. Holladay says that Jeremiah is
    mocking Hananiah, comparing his words to those of Micaiah in 1 Kgs 22: 15.
    Quell (1952: 46) thinks that Jeremiah shows here a lack of conviction in his
    own words of doom, but that is wide of the mark (Rudolph; Kraus 1964: 95).
    For well over a decade, Jeremiah has had dealings with these prophets of "sha-
    lom" and is not now suddenly fooled by preaching from one of their number.
    This is a confrontation that has been waiting to happen; the positions of each
    were decided some time ago.
    Amen. Hebrew >amen. Literally, "it is true" ( 11:5; 1 Kgs 1:36; Ps 4 l:l 4[Eng
    41: 13 ]), but here, because of the optative imperfects and ironic tone, it means:
    "Be it true (even though it is not true)!"
    So may Yahweh do! May Yahweh confirm your words. The imperfect verbs
    ya<aseh and yaqem are jussives expressing a wish: "May (Yahweh) do! May
    (Yahweh) confirm" (GKC § 109b). The LXX lacks the second "Yahweh," but T
    and Vg both have it. The H-stem of the root qwm ("to confirm") is lit. "to make
    stand" (29:10; 33:14; 35:16; Deut 9:5; 1Sam15:13; 1Kgs12:15). In the NT, see
    Rom 15:8. Jeremiah is pretending to wish a successful outcome to Hananiah's
    words. The LXX, some Heb MSS, and T have "your word," singular, which
    may have been influenced by "this word," singular, in v 7. The Vg has "your
    words;' plural (verba tua).

  2. But do hear this word that I speak in your ears and in the ears of all the
    people. Jeremiah directs his response not simply to Hananiah but also to the
    people assembled. It may be significant that the priests, who are also present
    and figure prominently in the audience, remain unacknowledged. Hebrew

    ak ("but") is a sharp adversative, introducing an idea of contrariness (see
    Note for 5:4).
    this word. Hebrew dabar here means "witness," not the preached word per se.
    Volz says "word of reservation." The LXX incorrectly expands to ton logon ku-
    riou, "the word of the Lord." The T and Vg ( verbum hoc) have simply "this word."
    8-9. The prophets who ... prophesied ... war and evil and pestilence ....
    The prophet who prophesies peace .... Jeremiah does not counter here with an
    oracle of his own, which he could have. Maybe it was unnecessary. Only re-
    cently had the priests and people heard his oracle that the Temple treasures

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